@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002806, author = {Niimi, Yoshiji}, issue = {1}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌, Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science}, month = {Jun}, note = {Lilium rubellum Baker bulb-scales excised from bulbs growing in vitro were cultured at different temperatures, in various lengths of light period, or in a medium containing different concentrations of α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BA).\r\\nTemperature affected the percentage of regenerating bulb-scales, the number of bulblets per scale, and the growth of bulblets. The optimum temperature for each of the parameters was 25°C.\r\\nThe percentage of regenerating bulb-scales and the number of bulblets per scale were stimulated in a lighted environment, but the fresh weight of bulblets formed in this environment was lower than the weight of those formed in darkness.\r\\nNAA at concentrations of 0.05 and 0.1mg/l gave a stimulatory effect on each of the parameters, but the higher concentrations suppressed bulblet formation. BA scarcely affected any of the parameters, except in the combination of 0.1mg/l BA with 1.0mg/l NAA, which enhanced the fresh weight of the bulblets., 試験管内でヒメサユリの子球の生産を効果的にすすめるため,試験管内で育成された子球のりん片を外植体として用い,それらを異なる培養温度(15,20,25及び30℃)及び日長(0,8,16及び24時間),あるいは生長調整物質(NAA及びBA)を種々の濃度で添加した.そして,各条件下で培養したりん片の子球分化率,りん片当たりの子球数及び子球生体重を調査した.\r\\n 培養温度はりん片の子球分化率,りん片当たりの子球数及び子球生体重のいずれにも影響し,25℃が子球の形成及び生長に最適であった.\r\\n明条件は子球の分化率及び子球形成を促進し,特に24時間日長の連続光は著しい効果を示した.暗条件では子球の形成は劣ったが,形成された子球の生体重は最大であった.\r\\n 0.05及び0.1mg/l NAAの添加は子球の形成及び生長を促進したが,1.0mg/l以上の濃度では阻害的に作用した.NAAとともに添加したBAは,0.1mg/l BAと1.0mg/l NAAを添加した区で形成された子球の生長を促進した以外はりん片の子球分化率及び子球形成数にほとんど効果がないことがわかった.}, pages = {82--86}, title = {Factors Affecting the Regeneration and Growth of Bulblets in Bulb-scale Cultures of Lilium rubellum Baker}, volume = {54}, year = {1985} }