@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028005, author = {鈴木, 将之 and 佐藤, 修}, journal = {新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報, 新潟大学積雪地域災害研究センター研究年報}, month = {Mar}, note = {Groundwater samples were collected from a spring and drainage system such as drainage wells and boreholes in the Takisaka landslide area, Fukushima Prefecture. Major ion concentrations of the drainage were analyzed to investigate the effectiveness of existing measures on the landslide. Wells mainly drain shallow groundwater because drainage boreholes of wells are shallower than the slip surface. However, the higher chloride ion concentrations in the drainage suggest that deep groundwater is partially drained by drainage wells in Yudenosawa and Shimosawanome. The wells drain the deep groundwater that ascends along a fault several times every year, and contribute to reduce excess pore pressure. Discharge rate of Matsuzaka spring water increases remarkably during snowmelting, heavy rain and rainy season. However, its increase does not balance with increase of water supply into the catchment area. Groundwater should originate from outside of Matsuzaka watershed since the discharge is larger than recharge in the watershed. The rate of flow from Matsuzaka into Numata remains constant throughout the year. Numata drainage wells are effective in draining the water from Matsuzaka. Sodenosawa drainage tunnel mainly drains water from mud stone debris in Shimosawanome subsidence zone and contributes to stabilize the whole landslide.}, pages = {61--77}, title = {福島県滝坂地すべり地の地下水の水質とその変動}, volume = {22}, year = {2000} }