@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002799, author = {児島, 清秀 and 高原, 利雄 and 緒方, 達志 and 村松, 昇}, issue = {4}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌, 園芸学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {カンキツ各種台木の特性についてつぎの知見を得た.\r\\n1.9月移行,カラタチ,ヒリュウ,‘トロイヤー’シトレンジおよび‘ラスク’シトレンジの実生は伸長が止まったが,シイクワシャーとラフレモンは伸長を継続した.\r\\n2.‘市文早生’と‘ユーレカ’レモンを接木した上述の台木の根の総伸長量はいずれも,7月から10月にかけて急激に増加した.接木後20ヶ月で解体し,地上部の総伸長量,枝と葉の生体重を調査した結果,シイクワシャー台の生育が最も良好で,次いでカラタチとラフレモン台で,不良であったのはヒリュウ,‘トロイヤー’シトレンジおよび‘ラスク’シトレンジ台であった.いずれの台木とも,‘市文早生’よりも‘ユーレカ’レモンを接木した方が生育が良好であった.根の生育は,地上部とは異なった傾向を示し,‘市文早生’を接木した場合カラタチ台が良好で,‘ユーレカ’レモンを接木した場合‘ラスク’シトレンジ台が不良であった.TR率は,いずれの台も‘ユーレカ’レモンを接木した方が高い値で,特にシイクワシャー台3.0と高かった.\r\\n3.カラタチ,ヒュウおよびシイクワシャーの地上部と根の内生ABA,IAAおよびGAを定量した.地上部の内生ABA濃度は,カラタチが最も高く,次いでヒリュウ,シイクワシャーの順で,地上部の内生IAAとGAは,いずれの種類でも同程度の濃度であった.根の内生ABA濃度は,カラタチとシイクワシャーより,ヒリュウで少し高く,内生IAA濃度はシイクワシャーで他の約3倍高かった.根の内生GA濃度はカラタチが他の約3倍高かった., Growth characteristic of six citrus rootstocks and their scion/rootstock combinations with 'Ichifumi-wase' and 'Eureka' lemons as tops were investigated.\r\\n1. After September, seedlings of trifoliate orange, Hiryo (Flying dragon),'Troyer' citrange, and 'Rask' citrange stopped growing, but those of Shiikuwasha and rough lemon continued to grow.\r\\n2. Total root lengths on each of above rootstocks grafted with 'Ichifumi-wase' and 'Eureka' lemons scions increased rapidly from July to October. The length and weight measurements of the branches and leaves, 20 months after grafting, revealed that scions grafted on Shiikuwasha grew best; those on trifoliate orange and rough lemon were intermediate, whereas scions on Hiryo, 'Troyer' citrange, and 'Rask' citrange grew poorly. On all rootstocks, 'Eureka' top grew better than did that of 'Ichifumi-wase'. The root growth is independent of top growth; hence, roots of 'Ichifumi-wase'/trifoliate orange combination grew well, whereas that of 'Eureka'/'Rask' combination grew poorly. The top/root ratio with 'Eureka' as scions was relatively large on all rootstock, attaining a high of 3.0 with Shiikuwasha.\r\\n3. Analyses for ABA, IAA, and GA in shoots and roots of trifoliate orange, Hiryo, and Shiikuwasha revealed that ABA level in trifoliate orange shoots was highest; Hiryo was intermeadiate, and Shiikuwasha had the least. IAA and GA levels in shoots of all rootstocks were nearly equal. ABA concentration of roots was slightly higher in Hiryo than it was in trifoliate orange and Shiikuwasha. IAA concentration of roots was about three times higher in Shiikuwasha than in other rootstocks. GA concentration of trifoliate orange roots was about three times higher than other rootstocks.}, pages = {753--760}, title = {カンキツ各種台木の生育特性と内生ABA, IAAおよびGAとの関係}, volume = {63}, year = {1995} }