@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002796, author = {Niimi, Yoshiji and Nakano, Masaru and Maki, Ken-ichiro}, issue = {4}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {Lilium regale and L. rubellum were crossed reciprocally to introduce economically and horticulturally desirable traits of L. regale, such as vigorous growth and disease resistance, into L. rubellum.\r\\n 1. In L. regale×L. rubellum, seeds containing an embryo were obtained with a low frequency (3.3%) by stigmatic pollination at anthesis, but they did not germinate in soil or in vitro. Seedlings were successfully obtained with frequencies of 5.3 to 6.7% by applying ovule culture 30 to 60 days after pollination.\r\\n 2. In L. rubellum×L. regale, the growth of pollen tubes was inhibited in the style after stigmatic pollination at anthesis; hence, no ovule with an embryo was obtained. Growth of pollen tubes was promoted by stigmatic pollination when the pollination was done 2 to 5 days after anthesis. Embryos definitely formed if stigmatic pollination was carried out 5 days after anthesis, but they could not be rescued even when ovule culture was utilized. Cut-style pollination had no effect on production of ovules with an embryo.\r\\n 3. Hybridity of seedlings resulted from L. regale×L. rubellum was confirmed by nuclear rDNA analysis. All of the hybrid plants analyzed were diploid with 2n=24 chromosomes and showed pollen fertilities of below 3%. Flower color of the hybrids was light pink. A single hybrid clone produced a double flower., リーガルユリ(Lilium regale)の強健な性質をヒメサユリ(L. rubellum)に導入することを目的として,両種間で相互交雑を行った.\r\\n 1.リーガルユリ×ヒメサユリにおいては,開花当日の柱頭受粉により低率(3.3%)ながら有胚種子が得られた.しかし,それらの種子はバーミキュライトおよび試験管内に播種しても発芽しなかった.リーガルユリ×ヒメサユリの雑種実生は受粉30~60日後に胚珠培養を行うことにより得られ,その頻度は5.3~6.7%であった.\r\\n 2.ヒメサユリ×リーガルユリにおいては,開花当日の柱頭受粉では受粉後に花粉管が花柱内で伸長を停止し,受精が起こらなかった.しかし,開花2~5日後に柱頭受粉を行うことにより花粉管伸長が促進され,開花5日後の受粉では胚形成が確認された.花柱切断受粉は胚形成に効果がなかった.開花5日後の受粉により得られた胚は,胚珠培養を行っても救出することができなかった.\r\\n 3.リーガルユリ×ヒメサユリから得られた個体の雑種性はrDNA分析により確認された.調査したすべての雑種は二倍体であり,花粉稔性は3%以下であった.雑種個体の花色は淡桃色であった.また,二重咲きの花をもつ雑種も1系統得られた.}, pages = {919--925}, title = {Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Lilium regale and L. rubellum via Ovule Culture}, volume = {64}, year = {1996} }