@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027935, author = {卯田, 強}, journal = {新潟大学災害復興科学センター年報, 新潟大学災害復興科学センター年報}, month = {Jul}, note = {Heiankyo, the older name of Kyoto City, was built as the capital of Japan in A.D.794 at the beginning of Heian Era. This ancient city, modeled after T'ang Chinese capital, Ch'ang-an, was laid out in a rectangular grid facing south with the place at north end. The urban district of Heiankyo was planned on the lower terrace, alluvial fans, and floodplains by means of geomorphological view. There was so many swamps and marshes in the floodplains to be difficult for engeneering development of these areas. An urbanization of the areas, therfore, still remained in unfinished until 1970s. According to the topographical level analysis using 50m mesh digital elevation model, a gentle slope over the urban district is found inclining toward southwest. A stream network along this slope is observed and crosses obliquely through the district. These topographical characteristics led to cause many flood disasters by the Katsura and Kamo rivers. Floods were occurred 169 times during the period of A.D.792 to A.D.1615 under a meteorological condition to activate the polar front of early summer. The crisis management against flood has spent much effort of governments. A period known as the Age of Warring States ensued to bring about too much urbiculture on Heiankyo to devastate completely. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had unified all of Japan by force, reconstructed the captal Kyto in 1585. His urban-planning suceeded in overcoming flood being based on the development of new-terraced floodplain.}, pages = {189--198}, title = {GISで見た平安京の原地形}, volume = {1}, year = {2007} }