@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002789, author = {工藤, 暢宏 and 新美, 芳二}, issue = {2}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌, 園芸学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {アメリカノリノキ(Hydrangea arborescens)の有する不良環境適応性を‘セイヨウアジサイ’(H. macrophylla)に導入することを目的として,両種間で正逆交雑を行った. 1.H. macrophyllaとH. arborescensの花粉を塩化カルシウムとともに管ビンに入れ,-20,5および20℃の温度条件で貯蔵し,その後の花粉発芽能力を経時的に調査した.-20℃で貯蔵した花粉の発芽能力は長期間(10~12か月間)維持されたが,5℃で貯蔵した花粉は,5ヶ月で,20℃で貯蔵した花粉は5日でそれぞれ発芽能力を失った. 2.自家,種内および種間交配ではどの組合せでも両種の花粉は柱頭上で良く発芽し,花粉管は花柱内を伸長して子房内の胚珠に達した. 3.自家および種内交配では,両種とも完熟種子が得られた.しかし,得られた完熟種子数は品種や組み合わせで異なり,さく果当たり種子数は,H. macrophyllaでは10~54粒,H. arborescensでは19~38粒であった. 4.得られた種子をポットと無菌培地に播くと,いずれの場合でも,H. macrophyllaでは58~85%の発芽率であり,H. arborescensの発芽率は,14~52%の範囲であった.H. arborescensの実生の第一本葉には毛茸の発生があり,これが両種の実生を区別する形態的特徴であった. 5.種間交配では,種子親にH. macrophyllaを用いた場合,わずかに種子が得られ,H. arborescensの場合,種子が得られなかった.得られた種子を人工培地に無菌播種した結果,実生が得られた.しかし,これらは幼植物期にすべて枯死した. 6.H. macrophyllaを種子親にした種間交配では交配60~150日後の胚珠を培養して実生が得られたが,子葉展開後生育を停止しすべて幼植物期に枯死した.一方,H. arborescensを種子親とした種間交配では交配60日後の胚珠を培養して1個体の実生を得たが,子葉展開直後に枯死した. 7.H. macrophylla×H. arborescensで胚珠培養により得た実生の子葉に形成された不定芽を切り取り,BA添加培地で継代した結果,根系をもつ植物体が得られた.その茎頂部に花粉親のH. arborescensに特有の毛茸が発生したため,雑種植物であると判断した.再分化植物は生育が緩慢で試験管外では生育しなかった., Reciprocal crosses between Hydrangea macrophylla f. hortensia (Lam.) Rehd. and H. arborescens L. were made to introduce useful characters of H. arborescens into H. macrophylla. The experimental results are summarized as follows. 1. Pollen grains of H. macrophylla and H. arborescens were stored at -20℃, 5℃, and 20℃ with CaCl_2. The pollen viability was tested by in vitro pollen germination: the pollen grains, stored at -20℃, retained germination capacity for a long term, but those stored at 5℃ and 20℃ lost their capacity within 5 months and 5 days, respectively; however, when the pollen grains of both species were stored at -20℃ for 11 months, over 36% of the pollens of H. macrophylla germinated, whereas none of the pollens of H. arborescens did. 2. Fresh and stored pollens of both species germinated well on the stigma in self-, intraspecific, and interspecific pollinations and the pollen tubes elongated straightforwardly to the ovary. 3. In self-and intraspecific crosses, both Hydrangea species easily set capsules and produced many mature seeds. However, the number of seed per capsule depended on cross combinations: H. macrophylla produced 10 to 54 mature seeds, whereas H. arborescens produced 19 to 31 seeds. 4. Mature seeds from self- and intraspecific crosses germinated well under in vitro and in vivo; 58 to 85% of H. macrophylla and 14 to 52% of H. arborescens seed germinated. Pubescence was observed on the first true leaf of the latter seedlings but not on that of the former. Pubescence is an important criterion for distinguishing H. macrophylla from H. arborescens. 5. A few mature seeds were produced from 3 of 5 interspecific crosses of H. macrophylla×H. arborescens, but no seeds were produced in the reciprocal crosses. The seeds germinated in vitro and the resulting seedling showed arrested growth after the development of cotyledons, and then it died. 6. In the interspecific crosses of H. macrophylla×H. arborescens, seedlings were obtained by rescuing and culturing ovules excised 60 to 150 days after pollination, but all seedlings died after the cotyledons developed. In the reciprocal crosses, only one seedling was obtained from ovules excised 60 days after pollination but it died at the cotyledonal stage. 7. Adventitious buds formed on the cotyledons of seedlings which were obtained through ovule culture of the interspecific crosses between H. macrophylla and H. arborescens. When buds were excised and transplanted to the basal medium supplemented with 1mg/l BA, they grew into plantlets. Because the leaves on these plantlets are pubescent, they seem to be hybrids between H. macrophylla and H. arborescens.}, pages = {428--439}, title = {セイヨウアジサイとアメリカノリノキとの種間雑種の獲得に関する研究}, volume = {68}, year = {1999} }