@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002787, author = {徐, 品三 and 新美, 芳二}, issue = {3}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌, 園芸学会雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {This study evaluated the effects of chemotherapy (addition of ribavirin or 2-thiouracil to a medium) and/or heat treatment at 35℃ on the production of virus-free bulblets in the scales culture of Lilium longiflorum 'Georgia' and L. x 'Casablanca', infected with lily symptomless virus (LSV), tulip breaking virus-lily (TBV-L), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV).\r\\n 1. When scales were cultured on a medium with ribavirin at 50μM, ELISA-absorbance values at 405nm for LSV in the incubated scales decreased as the incubation time lengthened, whereas the TBV-L values of the scales decreased at almost the same rate as those of the control.\r\\n 2. When scales of L. longiflorum 'Georgia' were cultured on medium with antiviral chemicals, the number of bulblets formed decreased as concentrations of antiviral chemicals increased. Viruses were detected in about 20% of the bulblets at the end of culture when the scales were cultured on medium with ribavirin and 2-thiouracil at 50μM; however, more than 44% of the bulblets, which were transplanted into soil and cultivated in the greenhouse for 6 months, showed the positive reaction in viruses.\r\\n 3. Scales excised from bulblets heat-treated at 35℃ for 4 weeks formed fewer bulblets than those of control, especially the scales of 'Georgia'.\r\\n 4. Chemotherapy in combination with thermotherapy was more effective in decreasing the number of virus-infected bulblets than was the single treatment. When scales, kept at 35℃ for 4 weeks, were cultured on medium with 5μM ribavirin, viruses were detected in 30% of the bulblets of 'Georgia' and 6% of those in 'Casablanca' at the end of in vitro culture. However, viruses were detected in 100% of the bulblets in 'Georgia' and 44% of those in 'Casablanca' which were transplanted into soil and cultivated in the greenhouse for 6 months., ‘ジョージア’と‘カサブランカ’のりん片培養によるウイルスフリー球の効率的な獲得のため,抗ウイルス剤(ribavirinおよび2-thiouracil)処理, 熱処理と両者の併用処理の効果を検討した.\r\\n1.50μM ribavirinを含む培地に培養したりん片のLSVのELISA吸光値は培養時間を長くなるにつれて低くなり,処理5週間後には実生球根のりん片葉の値とほぼ等しくなった.しかし,TBV-Lの値はいずれの調査時期でも無処理区(対照)とほぼ同一であった.\r\\n2.‘ジョージア’のりん片培養において,ribavirinおよび2-thiouracil処理濃度の増加とともに子球形成は抑制されたが,再生した子球のウイルス検出率は低くなり,50μM処理区で形成された子球の培養終了時のウイルス検出率は約20%であった.しかし,これらの子球を6ケ月ほ場で栽培したあとのウイルス検出率は44%以上となった.\r\\n3.35℃,4週間熱処理した子球から分離したりん片を培養すると子球形成率は対照区と比べ低くなり,特に‘ジョージア’でその抑制は顕著であった.\r\\n4.熱処理した子球のりん片を抗ウイルス剤添加培地で培養して再生した新球のウイルス検出率は抗ウイルス剤単独処理より低くなった.特にこれらのりん片を5μM ribavirinを添加した培地で培養したとき,培養終了時の再生子球のウイルス検出率は‘ジョージア’では30%,‘カサブランカ’では6%となった.しかし,ほ場に移植した6ケ月後のウイルス検出率はそれぞれ100%,44%であった.}, pages = {640--647}, title = {‘ジョージア’と‘カサブランカ’のりん片培養によるウイルスフリー子球生産への抗ウイルス剤と熱処理の影響}, volume = {68}, year = {1999} }