@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002780, author = {Niimi, Yoshiji and Misaki, Yutaka and Nakano, Masaru}, issue = {2}, journal = {園芸学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {ヒメサユリ(Lilium rubellum Baker)子球(培養開始時の新鮮重30~60mg)の生長に適した液体培地のショ糖濃度を決定するため,培地および培養中の子球の糖変化を調査した.\r\\n 1.100,150および250mMのショ糖を添加したMS培地(それぞれ,100,150および250mMショ糖培地とよぶ)で子球を8週間培養した結果,その新鮮重増加率は250mMショ糖培地で高く,その増加は培養開始4から8週間後で最大であった.\r\\n 2.250mMショ糖培地をオートクレーブで滅菌したあと培地中の糖を調査したところ,217.5mMショ糖,32.5mMブドウ糖と32.5mM果糖が検出された.\r\\n 3.150mMおよび250mMショ糖培地に含まれる3種類の糖(ショ糖,ブドウ糖および果糖)は,150mMショ糖培地で培養開始8週間後,250mMショ糖培地では12週間後にほとんど消失した.\r\\n 4.上述の2種類の培地で培養した子球中の糖(ショ糖,ブドウ糖,果糖)およびデンプン含量の変化を調査した.ショ糖は培養4週間まで増加し,そのあと減少した.一方,ブドウ糖および果糖は培養期間中ほぼ一定であった.デンプンは150mMショ糖培地より250mMショ糖培地で培養した子球で高かった.そして,培養後半には子球内デンプン含量は減少し,その減少率は前者の子球で大きかった.\r\\n 培養期間中の培地の糖および子球の炭水化物含量の変化に関する結果から,液体振盪培養したヒメサユリ子球の生長の促進・維持は,培養開始後8~12週間後に培地を更新することにより可能であることが明らかとなった., 1. Bulbets of Lilium rubellum were cultured for 16 weeks in liquid MS medium containing 100, 150 and 250 mmol・liter^-1(mM) sucrose (referred to as 100, 150 and 250 mM sucrose medium, respectively). The 250 mM sucrose medium enhanced bulblet growth the most. The greatest gain in fresh weight occurred between 4 and 8 weeks after culture. The ratio of dry to fresh weights (DW/FW) of bulblets cultured in the 250 mM soucrose medium was always highest.\r\\n 2. Three sugars (sucrose, glucose, and fructose) were detected in the autoclaved MS medium. When bulblets were cultured in the liquid sucrose medium, the concentration of glucose and fructose in the medium increased until week 4 as the sucrose concentration decreased. Sugars in the 150 mM sucrose medium were nealy depleted by week 8, whereas those in the 250 mM sucrose medium persisted for 12 weeks. The growth rate of the bulblets declined as sugar concentration in the medium decreased.\r\\n 3. The sucrose content in bulblets, cultured in each medium, increased until week 4, then decreased. However, in bulblets, cultured in the 250mM sucrose medium, the sugar content increased again after 12 weeks of culture, while starch content decreased. Hence, it appears that the starch accumulated in the bulblets was hydrolyzed to glucose.\r\\n These results indicate that the growth of bulblets of L.rubellum cultured in liquid medium can be promoted by subculturing the bulblets after 8 to 12 weeks of culture.}, pages = {161--165}, title = {Production of Commercial Bulbs of Lilium rubellum Baker: Changes in Carbohydrates in Bulblets and Sugars of Liquid Medium during their Culture}, volume = {69}, year = {2000} }