@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002778, author = {Nomizu, Toshikazu and Niimi, Yoshiji and Kasahara, Shunsaku}, issue = {3}, journal = {Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, 園芸学会雑誌}, month = {May}, note = {ユキワリソウ(Hepatica nobilis)の組織培養法による栄養繁殖法を研究した.開花した植物から当年に成長した葉を採集し,5×5mmの切片を作り培養した.NAAとBAを含むMS培地ではその濃度と無関係にいずれの培地でも高頻度でカルスを形成した.不定芽の形成率はNAA0.5または1mg・liter^-1とBA5mg・liter^-1を添加した培地で最も高くなった.一方,胚様体の形成はNAAを0.1mg・liter^-1とBAを0.5mg・liter^-1またはNAAとBAを1mg・liter^-1ずつ添加した培地で促進された.葉切片に形成された長さ1-2mmの不定芽(1次不定芽と呼ぶ)を切り取り,BAとGA_3を含むMS培地で8週間毎に継代し,24週間培養した.1次不定芽の生存率はBAを単独で添加したときよりもBAとGA_3を添加した時に高くなった.そして不定芽の成長はBA5mg・liter^-1とGA_3 10mg・liter^-1を添加した培地で促進され,その基部に新芽(2次不定芽と呼ぶ)を多く形成した.長さ10-20mmに成長した2次不定芽を切り取り,10mg・liter^-1のNAAまたはIBAを含むMS培地,暗黒下で1週間培養し,その後明条件下,ホルモンフリー培地で培養すると,シュートは高頻度で発根した.一方,NAAまたはIBAを含む培地に継代したときは,基部にカルスを形成し,発根しなかった.発根したシュートは約25℃の高湿度条件下で約1ヶ月間順化させ,無加温のガラス室に移して栽培すると,移植した苗はほとんどすべて生存し,2年以内に開花した., This study was conducted to establish a system of in vitro micropropagation of Hepatica nobilis. Leaf segments, excised from commercial plants, formed calli at high frequency in MS medium that contained 0.1-10mg・liter^-1 NAA and BA. The highest percentage of bud formation was observed to be about 20% in the medium supplemented with 0.5 or 1mg・liter^-1 NAA and 5mg・liter^-1 BA. Embryoid formation was stimulated on the medium containing 0.1mg・liter^-1 NAA and 0.5mg・liter^-1 BA, or 1mg・liter^-1 NAA and BA. When 1 to 2mm long adventitious buds were excised from leaf segments and recultured every 8 weeks on MS medium supplemented with BA, GA_3 or both for 24 weeks, they developed into shoots (referred to as the primary shoots in this text). The survival rates of the primary shoots were higher in the medium containing both BA and GA_3 than in the medium with BA alone. When primary shoots were cultured on MS medium containing 5mg・liter BA and 10mg・liter^-1 GAs, they formed the highest number of new shoots, referred to as secondary shoots in the text. When excised secondary shoots were cultured in MS medium containing 10mg・liter^-1 NAA or IBA in the dark for a week and then transplanted into MS-medium without any hormones, they developed roots at a high frequency, whereas shoots transplanted to MS-medium with NAA or IBA formed only callus at the base. Following acclimatization, rooted plants that were transplanted into pots and grown in a glasshouse, flowered within 2 years.}, pages = {205--211}, title = {In Vitro Micropropagation of ‘Yukiwariso’(Hepatica nobilis Schreber var, japonica f. magna) by Leaf Segment Culture}, volume = {72}, year = {2003} }