@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027624, author = {細田, 耕平 and 山口, 智子 and 渡邊, 令子}, journal = {新潟大学高等教育研究, 新潟大学高等教育研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {野菜には健康の保持増進に寄与する成分が多く含まれ,その目標摂取量は350 g/日であるが,平成27年国民健康・栄養調査結果では20~29歳の野菜摂取量は241.3 g/日で,どの年代よりも少ない.若い世代を中心とした食育を推進するうえで,大学生が野菜を十分に摂取し,栄養バランスに配慮した食生活の実践に繋がるような食教育が必要である.本研究では,本学学生439名を対象に野菜摂取量を調査し,これまでの教育課程で受けてきた食教育との関連を検討した.その結果,主食・主菜・副菜の組み合わせを考えて食事をしている者は全体の41.4%で,野菜の平均概算摂取量は110 g/日であったが,全体の約70%は140 g/日未満であった.学習指導要領や教科書において,家庭科では食事のバランスや概量等,保健体育科でも食事の役割に関する記載があるが,これまでの学習が大学生に定着していないことが明らかとなった., Vegetables contain essential nutrients and many functional components for human health, and the goal of vegetable intakes is 350 g/day for Japanese adult. National Health and Nutrition Survey reported that the vegetable intake of twenties was the lowest among all generation. Therefore, younger generation needs food education to increase the vegetable consumption. In the present study, a questionnaire survey on both daily vegetable intakes and dietary habits was carried out for 439 students in Niigata University. In addition, we investigated the relationship between vegetable intake and food education on the basis of the course of study and textbooks in elementary and junior high schools. As the result, the mean value of vegetable intake was 110 g/day, and 70% of the students were less than 140 g/day. Even if there are the learning courses on food balance and role of diet in the course of study of home economics and physical education, these learnings had not been mastered to the students.}, pages = {1--8}, title = {大学生の野菜摂取量と食教育の定着度との関係}, volume = {5}, year = {2018} }