@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002737, author = {石井, 郁夫 and 佐藤, 栄一 and 牧野, 秀夫 and 黒田, 秀雄 and 篠原, 正典 and 中静, 真}, issue = {2}, journal = {医用電子と生体工学, 医用電子と生体工学}, month = {Jun}, note = {To develop the cardiac assist technique using the skeletal muscle (Cardiomyoplasty), we implanted a skeletal muscle stimulator which ersponded to muscle stress during continuous stimulation. To achieve this we designed a new stimulator. The stimulator responds to the variation of the output voltage from an acceleration sensor which has been inserted between the skeletal muscle and an experimental pump. The stimulator also provides the functions of R-wave synchronous stimulation and ventricular demand pacing. Both of these parameters were made programmable. In animal experiments, we confirmed the function of skeletal muscle stress estimation by using the acceleration seasor. We further confirmed synchronization rates for muscle stimulation which could bge automatically controlled.}, pages = {135--142}, title = {筋疲労を考慮した植込み型骨格筋刺激装置の開発}, volume = {34}, year = {1996} }