@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026746, author = {笠巻, 純一}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編, 新潟大学教育学部研究紀要 人文・社会科学編}, month = {Feb}, note = {A survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire answered by 950 high school students and 1,211 university students in order to exmamine the factors influencing smoking behavior of youth. In order to examine the environmental factors related to smoking behavior, a factor analysis of total of 9 items was conducted, of which 1 item was 'smoking behavior' of the respondents themselves, along with 8 other items related to smoking behavior ('smoking as a means of recreation', 'mental stress', 'smoking behavior of parents', 'smoking behavior of friends', 'health related information', 'allowance sufficiency level', 'awareness towards lifestyle related diseases', 'awareness towards struggle with diseases'). The factor analysis was conducted based on attributes such as high school students, university students, gender, students living alone, and students not living alone, and the study was conducted by comparing items related to smoking behavior for each of these attributes. The 1st factor that was derived showed interrelation of the 3 items, that is, 'smoking behavior', 'smoking as a means of recreation', and 'smoking behavior of friends', (excluding women living alone). The evident smokers showed a tendency of having many friends who smoke, and a tendency of smoking as a recreational activity. The smoking behavior of high school and university students was concluded to be more of a recreational activity, influenced by the smoking behavior of friends. Between high school and university male students, a difference was noticed in relation between 'smoking behavior' and 'smoking behavior of friends'. High school male students showed a higher tendency of getting influenced by 'smoking behavior of frieds' as compared to the university male students. Meanwhile, no relation was noticed between 'smoking behavior of parents' and 'smoking behavior' in either of the groups. No relation was noticed between 'smoking behavior' and factors related to 'mental stress', 'awareness towards lifestyle related diseases', 'awareness of struggle with diseases', 'health related information', and 'allowance sufficiency level'.}, pages = {219--229}, title = {青少年の喫煙行動に関連する要因の検討 : 高校生・大学生2,161人に対する質問紙調査結果に基づく}, volume = {2}, year = {2010} }