@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026021, author = {原沢, 正昭 and 矢野, 正敏 and 小林, 清吾 and 平川, 敬 and 安藤, 雄一 and 堀井, 欣一 and 岸, 洋志 and 高塚, 真理子 and 原, 耕二}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {A survey on the prevalence of periodontal disease was carried out on 360 8th grade students in three Junior High Schools in Niigata Prefecture, Shiozawa Junior High, Yahiko Junio High and Kurokawa Junior High. According to the partial recording of the CPITN, 6 index teeth (16, 11, ,26, 36, 31and 46 defined by FDI terminology) were examined at the time of the annual school-based dental examination. The results of this study showed that the percentages of the subjects having no sign of periodontal disease were only 2.1, 7.5 and 7.6 in these three schools. The majority of the subjects had some signs of periodontal disease. The mean number of sextant parts per subject exhibiting no symptoms were 3.28 and 3.08 in Shiozawa Junior High and Yahiko Junior High, respectively. In these two schools, approximately half of all sextant parts remained healthy. On the other hand, in Kurokawa Junior High, 2.16 sextants exhibiting no symptoms, about two-thirds of all sextant parts showed some symptoms of periodontal disease. The mean periodontal treatment time per subject was estimated at 42.0, 53.3 and 70.6 minutes in Shiozawa Junior High, Yahiko Junior High and Kurokawa Junior High, respectively. We consider that the CPITN is useful in estimating the prevalence of periodontal disease even in school-based dental examinations. The CPITN is relatively simple and objective, and helpful in screening patients and in calculating treatment needs. By our Results, We are encouraged to continue our research and to spread a periodontal disease control plan for Junior High School students using the CPITN., 中学生における歯周疾患の実態を把握するために、新潟県内の3中学校(塩沢中、弥彦中、黒川中)の2年生360名を対象として、CPITNによる調査を行った。調査は学校歯科健診時にう蝕の検査と同時に、CPITNの部分診査法に準拠して、代表6歯(FDI歯番号:16,11,26,36,31,46)の4隅角部を診査した。その結果、(1)歯周組織が健全な者は2.1-7.6%であり、大多数を占める生徒の歯周組織に何らかの異常が認められた。(2)コード別一人平均分画数は、塩沢中と弥彦中は健全な分画数がそれぞれ3.28, 3.08と口腔内の半分以上が健康を保っていたが、黒川中は2.16であり、口腔内の約2/3は病的な徴候を示した。(3)歯周疾患の治療必要量(時間)は塩沢中、弥彦中、黒川中がそれぞれ42.0分、53.3分、70.6分であった。このうち学校の歯科保健活動で対応できる処置内容が塩沢中で約半分、弥彦中と黒川中では約3割であった。以上の結果から、歯科健診にCPITNを導入することによって歯周疾患の実態をより客観的に把握でき、さらに歯科健診の事後措置が簡単に行われるなど学校歯科保健にたいへん有用であることが示唆された。}, pages = {15--26}, title = {新潟県内3中学校におけるCPITNを用いた歯周疾患実態調査}, volume = {22}, year = {1992} }