@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026001, author = {峯田, 和彦 and 葭原, 明弘 and 八木, 稔 and 小林, 清吾 and 堀井, 欣一}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {There has never been a dentist in Awashimaura-Village, on a solitary island in Niigata-Prefecture, Japan. In the village, a traveling dental clinic program was introduced in 1969 in order to give the in-habitants a chance to receive dental treatment. Since 1973, all the children from 3 to 14 years old have been participating in a school-based fluoride mouth rinsing program, which is a daily method using 0.05% sodium fluoride solution. A dental survey was conducted in the village in 1992. The mean DMFT in children in an elementary school and a junior high school in the village declined from 3.57 and 8.91 in 1973 to 1.54 and 2.13 in 1992, respectively. The percentage of filled teeth in children increased, and since 1987 no missing teeth was found in the school children owing to dental caries. The reduction of dental caries in children was mainly accomplished by the children's participation in a fluoride mouth rinsing program. Yet, the benefits from the preventive program for dental caries in children did not extend to adults in the village, because the mean DMFT and the percentage of adults with no tooth were extremely high in 1992. Also the prevalence of periodontal disease in adults was high, because more than 50% in each group of inhabitants more than 30 years old had code 3 and 4 in CPITN. After this, not only will it be necessary to continue a school-based fluoride mouth rinsing program to maintain the low prevalence of dental caries in permanent teeth of school children, but also the introduction of dental health promotion programs, including a preventive method for periodontal disease in adults in the village is required., 新潟県粟島浦村は無歯科医村である。歯科診療受診の機会を設けるため、1969年、巡回歯科健診と治療が開始された。1973年からは、保育園児から小中学生まで(3~14歳児)を対象に0.05%フッ化ナトリウム(NaF)溶液による毎日法でフッ化物洗口法が導入された。1992年、学童および成人の歯科健診を行ない同村における歯科保健の状況を調査した。その結果、小学生および中学生全体の一人平均永久歯う蝕経験歯数は、それぞれ1973年の3.57および8.91から、1992年にはそれぞれ0.59および2.13に減少した。小・中学生の処置率は向上し、1987年以来う蝕による小・中学生の喪失歯は見られなくなった。一方、成人においては、いまだう蝕罹患傾向が高く、一人平均う歯数および全歯喪失者率は、極めて高い値を示した。また、成人のCPITN個人コードでは、コード3および4の者の割合が30歳以上の全年齢層で50%を越え、歯周疾患の高い有病状況が示唆された。今後、同村においては、永久歯う蝕罹患の改善を維持するために児童に対するフッ化物洗口法を継続し、歯周疾患予防方法を含んだ成人歯科保健施策の導入が必要である。}, pages = {45--52}, title = {無歯科医地区における歯科保健対策 : 新潟県粟島浦村の小児永久歯う蝕予防の成果と成人歯科保健の課題}, volume = {23}, year = {1993} }