@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025917, author = {田邊, 義浩 and 石倉, 優香 and 野田, 忠}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {The purpose of this study was to know the factors influencing on tooth brushing of autistic population. The subjects were 17 utistic patients who commuted to a welfare institution in Niigata city, aged from 16 to 27 years old. The parents of the subjects were asked to answer a questionnaire about the way of tooth brushing in their family life. The subjects were tested for their understanding about the mean of tooth brushing by some series of picture cards of oral health, tooth brushing and dental caries lesion. The behavior of each subjects was recorded on a videotapes in both situations of tooth brushing by themselves and by the help of a dentist. Then, in both situations, we estimated the time required for their tooth brushing and the brushing part of their dentition through the videotapes. The results were as follows: 1. The result of questionnaire survey showed that 9 subjects (52.9%) were in the habit of their teeth every day, and 11 parents of subjects (64.7%) thought that their children could brush their teeth by themselves. Eight subjects (47.1%) had in the habit of brushing of their teeth with the help of their parents in family life. 2. Only 3 subjects (17.6%) could understand that the purpose of tooth brushing to keep their oral hygiene well. 3. It was also shown that most of autistic subjects could brush their limited part of dentition by themselves. On the other hand, when a dentist helped their tooth brushing, they could brush the other parts of dentition which could not been brushed by themselves. 4. The multivariate analysis proved that the elder group or the subjects group understanding the mean of tooth brushing could brush their teeth better than the others., 精神発達遅滞や自閉症の患者の口腔清掃状態は不良な場合が多いといわれている。今回我々は自閉症児者の毎日の歯磨きの状態を把握し、適切な歯磨き指導について検討するため、自閉症児者の家庭における歯磨きに関するアンケート調査と、患者本人の歯磨きの様子をビデオテープに記録して観察した。対象は新潟市内の施設に通所する16歳から27歳の自閉症児者17名とした。その結果、1.保護者に対するアンケート調査より、家庭での歯磨き習慣がある者は9名(52.9%)、独りでも歯磨きできる者は11名(64.7%)、家庭では保護者が介助して歯磨きしている者が8名(47.1%)であった。2.絵カードを用いた患者本人の口腔衛生に関する意識調査の結果、歯磨きは口腔内を清潔にし、歯と歯周組織の健康維持のために重要であることを理解している者は17名中3名(17.6%)であった。3.患者が自由に歯磨きした場合は、歯磨き時間の部位ごとの偏りが大きく、全く磨かない部位も存在した。歯科医師が介助して歯磨きすると時間の偏りは有意に改善し、自由磨きでは磨かなかった部位についても、ある程度磨くことができた。4.1~3の結果について多変量解析を行ったところ、歯磨き時間の部位的な偏りは、年齢が高い者、または歯磨きの意味を理解している患者において、介助した場合に改善する者が多い傾向が認められた。}, pages = {25--30}, title = {自閉症児者の口腔衛生管理 : 歯磨きに関する調査}, volume = {26}, year = {1996} }