@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025901, author = {罇, 淳子 and 田邊, 義浩 and 野田, 忠}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {We examined the adaptability and the emotional status in 27 children between 2 and 6 years old, who visited our clinic for the dental treatment. The behavioral reactions of the patients were observed and evaluated before, during and after the dental treatment. To determine the relationship among the items investigated, principal component analysis was performed. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The patients who showed uncooperative behavior in the dental chair were also uncooperative before treatment, but their behavior improved quickly after the treatment. 2. As for the behavioral reaction before and after the treatment, there were no differences between the patients who showed cooperative behavior in the treatment with crying and without crying. 3. While the treatment was being carried out, the attitudes of the patients were classified according to the rating scores. The scores of the patient's uncooperative movement, crying, grumbling about the dental treatment were closely related to the patient's age. Older patients showed better adaptation to the dental treatment than younger patients, and this tendency was noted in the results of the principal component analysis. 4. The scores of their reactions when the doctor talked to them was closely related to the number of visits to our clinic, but not to their uncooperative attitudes or their ages., 歯科治療時における小児の適応性と心理状態を知る目的で、新潟大学歯学部小児外科外来を受診した2歳から6歳の小児27名について、治療前後の状態の観察と治療中の行動の評価を行った。さらに、調査した項目について主成分分析を行い、その関連性について検討し、以下の結論を得た。1. 歯科治療中、不適応と評価された患児は、治療前も不適応な状態にあるが、治療が終了すると比較的短時間のうちに回復する者が多かった。2.歯科治療中、泣いても非協力的な動きを認めない患児と治療に協力的な患児は、治療前後の状態に大きな差を認めなかった。3. 治療中の患児の非協力的な動き、泣き、否定的な言葉の頻度の評価得点は、 患児の年齢と高い相関を認めた。さらに、主成分分析の結果から加齢による適応状態の改善が示唆された。4. 術者らの言葉かけに対する患児の反応は、年齢や非協力的な動き・泣きとは相関が少なかったが、主成分分析の結果、受診回数の多い患児の反応がよいことが示された。}, pages = {1--7}, title = {小児の歯科治療時の適応状態について : 介助の立場から}, volume = {27}, year = {1997} }