@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025855, author = {中條, 智恵 and 高田, 真仁 and 河野, 正己 and 中島, 民雄 and 林, 孝文 and 鈴木, 誠}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {Two cases of plunging ranula extending the parapharyngeal space to the base of the skull were reported. The first case was a 10-year-old girl with a fluctuating swelling in the right submandibular region. The second case was a 17-year-old woman with a similar swelling in the left submandibular region. Intraoraly, there were no swelling in the floor of the mouth nor pus discharge from the Wharton's duct and salivary flow was good in both patients. Preoperative computed tomograhy showed a cystic lesion in the sublingual space which extended from the parapharyngeal space to the base of the skull. The clinical diagnosis was plunging ranula in both cases. Marsupialization and extirpation of the sublingual gland were performed under general anesthesia. Thepostoperative course was uncomplicated with no sign of recurrence in either case. The computed tomograhy was useful for the diagnosis, and extirpation of the sublingual gland may be recommended for the treatment of plunging ranulas with extensive extension to the surrounding spaces., 傍咽頭隙から頭蓋底にまで進展した巨大な顎下型ガマ腫2症例を報告した。症例1は10歳女性で、初診時、右側顎下部に波動を触れる腫脹を認めた。症例2は17歳女性で、初診時、左側顎下部に同様の腫脹を認め、触診にて波動を触れた。口腔内所見としてほ, 2症例とも、口底部に腫脹はなく、舌下小丘からの唾液の流出は良好で排膿はなかった。術前のCTでは,舌下隙と連続性し、傍咽頭隙から頭蓋底に達した嚢胞様病変を認めた。どちらも顎下型ガマ腫の臨床診断にて,全身麻酔下でガマ腫開窓術と舌下腺摘出術を施行した。2症例とも再発なく経過良好であった。周囲組織隙に広く進展したガマ腫の診断と治療にはCTと舌下腺摘出が有効であった。}, pages = {63--68}, title = {傍咽頭隙から頭蓋底に進展した顎下型ガマ腫の2例}, volume = {28}, year = {1998} }