@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025853, author = {横林, 敏夫 and 清水, 武 and 五島, 秀樹 and 加納, 浩之}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {Accidental swallowing or aspiration of dentures, cast objects and dental instruments often occur during dental treatment. Most of them are swallowed in the stomach. On occasion, however they are swallowed in the trachea. Two cases with accidental swallowing of a fixed bridge in the trachea were reported. Case 1, A 72-year-old man accidentally swallowed a 65④③ fixed bridge during its removal. He had a paroxysmal cough. A chest radiograph showed a left bronchial foreign body. Case 2, A 89-year-old man accidentally swallowed a ④56⑦ fixed bridge during its removal. The accident was accompained by no sign indicative of aspiration into the airway. However, a chest radiograph showed it to be lodged in the right bronchus. The fixed bridges in the bronchus were removed by bronchoscopic procedures on the day of the accident without any complication., 歯科に関連した歯科用補綴物、歯科用器具などの誤嚥は時々みられるが、これらの多くは消化管に入り、気道内に入ることは比較的稀である。今回、私達は、歯科開業医においてブリッジ撤去中にブリッジを誤嚥し、気管内に吸引された2例についてその概要を報告した。症例1は、72歳、男性で、某歯科において65④③ブリッジを撤去中誤嚥。直後に咳嗽発作があり,胸部単純Ⅹ線写真でブリッジが左側気管支に金属物体の陰影が確認された。症例2は、89歳、男性で、某歯科において④56⑦ブリッジ撤去中誤嚥。咳嗽発作等の自覚症状はなかったが、胸部単純Ⅹ線写真で右側気管支に陰影が確認された。2例とも、即日、気管支鏡直視下に異物摘出術を行ったが、術中、術後の合併症等は認めなかった。}, pages = {55--58}, title = {気管内に吸引されたブリッジの2例}, volume = {28}, year = {1998} }