@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025797, author = {宇都宮, 宏子 and 依田, 浩子 and 鈴木, 一郎 and 朔, 敬}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {We report a rare case of a trichofolliculoma of the upper lip in a 48-year-old Japanese man. The tumor, measuring 12×11×11mm in size, was located in the dermis to subcutaneous layer around the mucocutaneous border of his upper lip. There was a small fistula-like pit in the skin covering the tumor. The patient had noticed the tumor for 15 years, during which it grew gradually with occasional excretion of white-colored cheese-like substance from the pit. Its clinical diagnosis was atheroma. Histopathologically, it consisted of a nodular proliferation of fibroblasts with fibrous connective tissues, within which there was a cystic space lined by skin with plentiful dermal appendages. This was the second case report of a labial trichofolliculoma from dental institutions., 左側上唇部に生じた毛包腫の一例を経験した。患者は48歳男性で、15年程前より左側上唇部に小腫瘤が出現し、7年前より腫瘤の増大と圧迫による白色泥状の内容物の排出を繰り返していた。初診時、腫瘤は12×11×11mmで半球状を呈し、表面皮膚には瘻孔開口部様を呈する陥凹がみられた。アテロ-ムの臨床診断のもとに腫瘍摘出術がおこなわれた。腫瘤表面には線維性被膜が認められ、周囲組織とは完全に隔てられていた。病理組織学的には、細胞密度の高い線維性結合組織中に多数の毛包、皮脂腺組織の増生が認められ、毛包腫と診断された。毛包腫の発生は類縁疾患の類皮嚢胞と比較して極めて稀であり、本症例は歯科領域からの報告としては第2例目である。}, pages = {57--60}, title = {上唇毛包腫の1例}, volume = {30}, year = {2000} }