@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002573, author = {狩野, 直樹 and 佐藤, 明史 and 今泉, 洋}, issue = {7}, journal = {Radioisotopes, Radioisotopes}, month = {Jul}, note = {新潟県における近年の環境水の同位体的・化学的特徴についての知見を得ること,更には環境水動態の新たな評価方法を確立するため,新潟県のいくつかの河川水や地下水について,酸素安定同位体比(δ^<18>O)及び主要イオン濃度,pH,電気伝導度の測定を行った。その結果,以下のことが明らかになった。(1)河川水中のδ^<18>O値は,概ね-11‰~-10‰の値を示す,(2)地下水のδ^<18>O値は,河川水より平均1.5‰程度高く,また年間の変動幅も±1.0‰程度と小さい,(3)河川水上流部近傍の地下水よりも河川水下流部近傍の地下水の方が,年間を通して高いδ^<18>O値及び電気伝導度を示す,(4)大部分の主要イオンにおいて,夏期と冬期に,その濃度が高くなり,春期に濃度が低くなる傾向を示す,(5)周辺地下水の主要イオン濃度の方が河川水の主要イオン濃度より全体的に高い値を示す,(6)河川水において,上流から下流に向かうにつれ,主要イオン濃度は高くなる傾向を示す,(7)河川水におけるδ^<18>Oと電気伝導度との相関関係は,上流部ほど(下流部に比べて)良い(上流部ほど両者の相関係数が高い)。, To reveal the characteristics of environmental water in Niigata Prefecture in recent years, and to establish a new evaluation method for the behavior of the environmental water, oxygen stable isotopic ratios (i.e., δ^<18>O), concentrations of major ions, pH and EC (electric conductivity) in water samples from several rivers and those from groundwater in Niigata Prefecture were measured. Isotopic measurements were performed with a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Mieromass PRISM). Consequently, the following matters have been found. (1) The δ^<18>O values of river waters in Niigata Prefecture are generally -11‰ to -10‰. (2) The δ^<18>O values of groundwater in Niigata Prefecture are generally 1.5‰ higher than that of river waters and the variation is about ±1‰ throughout the year. (3) The δ^<18>O values and the conductivity of groundwater located in the downstream area are higher than those in the upstream throughout the year. (4) The concentrations of major ions of river waters were almost higher in summer and winter than those in spring. (5) The concentrations of major ions in groundwater were higher than those in river water. (6) The concentrations of major ions in river water tend to increase with the downstream from the upstream. (7) The relationship between the conductivity and δ^<18>O values in river water was relatively close (i.e. The correlation coefficient between them is large) in the upstream area (by comparing with that in the downstream). (Received February 16, 2004)}, pages = {415--425}, title = {酸素安同位体比および主要イオン濃度を用いた新潟県の河川水・地下水の動態評価}, volume = {53}, year = {2004} }