@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025714, author = {杉田, 佳織 and 紋谷, 光徳 and 浅妻, 真澄 and 加藤, 直子 and 五十嵐, 敦子 and 野村, 修一}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {Treatment of taste disorder patients was started at our department since gustatory outpatient clinic was opened in October 1999. For the purpose of grasping the clinical features of these patients, a clinical study was performed. Fifty-three patients (17 males and 36 females) who were examined and treated at our gustatory clinic from October 1999 to February 2002 were studied. Patient's age was distributed from 23 to 96 years, and the average age was 66.6 years. The most numerous group consisted in 15 female patients in their 70. The most frequent chief complaint was lack of taste (hypogeusia) and was reported by 18 patients. Among other complaints were bitter taste (pantogeusia) in 12 patients, tongue pain or dry mouth (intraoral conditions not related to taste) in 15 patients, heterogeusia in 3 patients. The diagnosis was drug-induced taste disorder in 10 patients, oral candidiasis in 7 patients, iron deficiency-induced taste disorder in 6 patients, idiopathic and peripheral conduction taste disorders each in 5 patients, and zinc deficiency-induced taste disorder in 3 patients. The treatment mainly consisted in dietary instructions, zinc prescription and oral care. The treatment outcome was investigated using the paper disk method by which a decrease of the psychogeusic threshold for all the tastes was found after treatment in the 14 patients whose chief complaint was a lack of taste. A tendency of quick recovery was observed in the patients who visited our clinic shortly after they have noticed taste-related symptoms. Moreover, since positive effects were obtained by zinc intake in many patients with normal serum zinc level, a latent zinc deficiency was suspected in these patients., 新潟大学歯学部附属病院加齢歯科では、平成11年10月に味覚外来を開設し、味覚障害患者の治療にあたってきた。今回、味覚外来受診者の臨床的特徴を把握し、診療体制の充実を図るために臨床統計的検討を行った。対象は平成11年10月から平成14年2月までに味覚外来を受診した53名(男性17名、女性36名)とした。患者の年齢は23歳から96歳に分布し、平均年齢は66.6歳であった。70歳代の女性患者が15名と最多であった。主訴は、味がわからないなどの味覚減退が18名と最も多く、ロの中が苦いなどの自発性異常味覚12名、舌痛、口渇など口腔内症状15名、異味症3名などであった。診断は、薬剤性味覚障害10名、口腔カンジダ症各7名、鉄欠乏性味覚障害6名、特発性、末梢伝導路性味覚障害各5名、亜鉛欠乏性味覚障害3名であった。治療は、食事指導や亜鉛内服療法、口腔ケアなどを行った。主訴に味がわからないと訴えた患者14名について、濾紙ディスク検査の結果を治療前後で比較したところ、全ての味質において、治療後に味覚閾値の低下がみられた。症状が発現してから来院までの期間が短い方に治癒率が高い傾向にあった。また、血清亜鉛値が正常値であっても、亜鉛内服により良好な効果が得られた患者が多く、潜在的な亜鉛欠乏が推察された。}, pages = {19--25}, title = {味覚外来における味覚障害患者の臨床統計的検討}, volume = {32}, year = {2002} }