@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025639, author = {野村, 務 and 高田, 佳之 and 新垣, 晋 and 齊藤, 力}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Aug}, note = {The results of the present conditions, background factors, psychological test and treatment outcome with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder patients suspected to have psychological etiologies were described including a case report. Patients were 4 females and 1male and their mean age was 36.2 years with a range of 21 to 63. The occurrence rate in all temporomandibular disorder patients is 0.84%. TMJ pain was complained by every patient and click and trismus were cited also by some patients. Psychiatric disease (depression, cenesthopaty) and psychosomatic disease were past histories in 4 patients, and troubles in home were suggested in two cases. In first admission, there was no severe trismus in any patients, but average VAS score for pain was high as 73 with range of 35 to 100. Other frequently encountered symptoms included shoulder pain, headache and ear symptoms. One side chewing, bruxism, clenching and hard bite was seen as a habit. In CT analysis there are no abnormal findings except one anterior displacement of disk in healthy side. 3 patients were graded as Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ in Cornell Medical lndex (CMI). Each of two patients who was tested Quetionnaire for Depression (SRQ-D) had a score 23 and 21 suspected depression, and this 2 patients had a high state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI) score. The treatment consisting of conservative therapy, chemotherapy with minor tranquilizers and simple psychological approach, and consultation with a psychiatrist or psychosomatist resulted in the decrease of symptom and was judged as successful in all cases. The importance of psychological evaluation and treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder patients suspected to have psychological etiologies was suggested., 今回我々は、心身医学的要因が疑われた顎関節症5例について、現症、背景因子、心理テスト、治療効果などについて調査し、 1名の治療経過も含めて報告した。症例は女性4名、男性1名で年齢は21歳から63歳で平均36.2歳であった。この期間の全顎関節症患者における発症頻度は0.84%であった。主訴は全例顎関節部の疼痛があり、他に雑音、開口障害があった。既往歴ではうつ病、セネストパチー等の精神科的疾患、心療内科的疾患が4名あり、家庭内の問題が示唆される症例が2名あった。初診時現症では著明な開口障害はなかったが、疼痛のVAS値は35から100であり、平均73と高値を示した。顎関節痛以外の愁訴では肩こり、頭痛、耳症状が多かった。習癖は片側咀嚼を3名、ブラキシズム、クレンチング、食いしばりを各1名に認めた。画像所見ではCTにて1名に健側の復位性関節円板前方転位を認めた以外は異常所見はなかった。心理テストではCornell Medical Index(CMI)を施行した3名では領域Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳそれぞれ1名ずつに認め、Quetionnaire for Depression(SRQ-D)を施行した2名は23、21と高値を示したことからうつ病が疑われ、state-trait anxiety inventory(STAI)でも高値を示した。治療としては保存療法、抗不安剤等の薬物療法、そして簡易精神療法、さらに精神科、心療内科との対診を行った。治療効果は全例とも症状の軽減を認め、有効であった。今後、心因が関与していると考えられる顎関節症の治療にあたっては心身医学的評価、さらにはその治療の重要性が示唆された。}, pages = {17--21}, title = {心身医学的要因が疑われた顎関節症の5例}, volume = {34}, year = {2004} }