@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025621, author = {渡辺, しき子 and 平野, 秀利 and 山田, 好秋}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {Effects of the changes of posture on the electroencephalogram (EEG) and autonomic nervous activities with heart rate were examined in 5 healthy female subjects. Ten minutes after sitting on the chair, they are asked to keep the postures for 15 minutes each in the following manner the supine position (A), the prone position, the head up prone position, the supine position (B), respectively. EEG was recorded at F4, In order to evaluate the wakefulness and mentality, %-power of beta-wave was obtained. It increased from 11.6% to 20.7% (p<0.05) just after the change in posture from supine to prone positions and it also increased from 14.3% to 23.2% (P<0.05) just after the change in posture from prone to head up positions. R-R interval of heart rate was decreased with the above changes; however, the difference was not significant. The parameter returned to those at rest 10 to 15 minutes after the posture change, except on the head up prone position. In the latter case, %-power of beta-wave and R-R interval kept the high and short values, respectively and VAS was at its peak that might indicate the subjects were in wakefulness. High frequency component in the heart rate variability increased two times with the changes of posture from sitting on the chair to the given four positions. The ratio between the high and low frequency components showed no significant changes. The results could not be interpreted at that prone position might activate brain activities. Prone position, however, might provide the patient easier environment for their voluntary movements and thus it might increase their wakefulness and activity after the voluntary head up movement., 腹臥位への体位変換が脳活動に及ぼす影響については脳波の周波数解析、脳幹網様体の活動に影響があるとされる自律神経活動については心拍変動の分析から検討した。対象は健康な女子学生5名で、椅座位10分間の後に仰臥位(A)、腹臥位、頭部を挙上した腹臥位、仰臥位(B)の順に各15分間同-体位をとらせた。脳波はF4から単極誘導で記録した。覚醒や精神活動を反映するとされるβ波% Power値は、仰臥位(A)から腹臥位への体位変換直後には11.6%から20.7%に、腹臥位から頭部を挙上した腹臥位では14.3%から23.2%に有意に増加(p<0.05)し、R-R間隔は有意ではないが短縮した。腹臥位では10-15分には安静臥床時の億に回復したが、頭部を挙上した腹臥位は、β波%Power値は高い状態を、R-R間隔は短い状態を維持し、覚醒度を示すVAS値が最も高かったことと一致した。高周波成分(HF)は座位から仰臥位(A)になった直後に約2倍に増加し、その状態を維持した。低周波成分と高周波成分の比(LF/HF)については有意な変化はなかった。この結果から、腹臥位に体位変換することが直接大脳機能を活性化するとは言い難い。ただし、頭部を挙上した腹臥位で、β波% Power値の増加および交感神経活動優位の傾向がみられたことから、腹臥位は患者の随意運動を行いやすくし、患者が頭部を自分で挙上しようとすることが覚醒度の改善や自発性の向上につながることが示唆された。}, pages = {41--48}, title = {腹臥位への体位変換が脳活動および自律神経活動に及ぼす影響}, volume = {34}, year = {2004} }