@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025590, author = {鈴木, 昭 and 河野, 正司 and 野村, 修一 and 伊藤, 加代子 and 豊里, 晃 and 田巻, 元子 and 八木, 稔 and 葭原, 明弘 and 大内, 章嗣}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jan}, note = {Elderly who have been certified for Long-term Care Insurance have rapidly increased in number with the progress of the aging society, and the Long-term Care lnsurance System has become well established. However little information is available regarding the oral health of the persons in need of nursing care. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, in relation with the level of long-term care required, the dental diseases and dental health service needs of elderly who apply for the certificate of long-term Care Insurance. A survey was performed on residents of 7 municipalities of the S.Secondary Medical Care and Welfare Region who applied for the certificate of Long-term Care Insurance between October and December 2002. The analysis was performed on the data from 368 elderly (aged 81.0±8.1) who agreed to participate in the survey. The obtained results were as follows : 1) Although no relation was found between the level of long-term care required and the number of remaining teeth, the number of teeth indicated for extraction (C4-teeth) significantly increased along with nursing care needs, reaching 24.4% for persons at Care Level 4 or 5. 2) The percentage of persons in need of dental treatment and/or professional oral care was as high as 89.4%. Although not significantly different, there was a tendency for increases in these needs with that of the level of long-term care required. 3) After becoming in need of nursing care, only 35.3% of the survey participants had dental examinations, but no relation could be found between this parameter and the level of long-term care required. In conclusion, there is a considerable gap between the need for dental care and the actual number of dental consultations. Therefore, oral health and care service systems for all persons in need of nursing care should be improved by more actively promoting the importance of oral care among care-givers, which include both family members and care workers, and improving their abilities to assess the state of oral health., 高齢化の進展、介護保険制度の定着とともに介護認定者が急速に増加しているが、要介護者の口腔関連の実態に関する情報は十分とは言えない。本調査の目的は、介護認定者における歯科疾患の実態および歯科的治療ニーズについて、要介護度を跨まえ把纏・評価することである。S保健医療福祉圏内の7市町村在住で、2002年10月から12月の間に介護認定申請をした者を対象として実態調査を行い、調査協力の得られた368名(平均年齢: 81.0±8.1歳)について分析を行った。その結果、平均残存歯数に要介護度との相関が認められない一方、要介護度が上がると要抜去歯(C4歯)が有意に増加する傾向が認められ、要介護4および5の対象者では残存歯の24.4%が要抜去(C4)の状態となっていた。さらに、歯科的治療ニーズとして、歯科治療または専門的口腔ケアが必要な者は89.4%にものぼり、統計的に有意ではないものの要介護度が上がるにつれてニーズも上昇する傾向が見られた。その-方で、要介護状態となってから歯科を受診した者は全体で35.3%であり、要介護度との相関は認められなかった。つまり、歯科治療等の必要性と実際の受診状況には大きな隔たりがあることが明らかになった。今後、介護関係者・介護家族等への口腔管理の重要性に関する普及啓発を一層進めるとともに、口腔内の問題把握(アセスメント)能力を高め、すべての要介護者に対して歯科的治療・ケアが提供できる地域歯科保健福祉体制を整備していく必要があると考えられる。}, pages = {25--30}, title = {介護認定申請者における要介護度別歯科疾患の実態および歯科的治療ニーズに関する研究}, volume = {35}, year = {2006} }