@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025538, author = {相川, 弦 and 飯田, 昌樹 and 上杉, 崇史 and 櫻井, 健人 and 川原, 理絵 and 五島, 秀樹 and 清水, 武 and 横林, 敏夫}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {We evaluated clinicostatistically the treatment of snoring or sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) in Nagano Red Cross hospital oral surgery between 2001 and 2006. The subjects consisted of 314 patients (245 males and 69 females) with snoring or sleep apnea and the mean age at the initial visit was 49 years. They were divided into two groups because oral appliance (OA) therapy for patients with SAS was applied to national health insurance in April 2004. Prior period group consisted of 124 males and 35 females (mean age: 50 years) who visited our hospital between 2001 and 2003. Late period group consisted of 121 males and 34 females (mean age: 48 years) who visited between 2004 and 2006. There were no statistical differences in the number of patients, sex ratio and mean age between the two groups. After OA therapy was applied to national health insurance, polysomnography was performed on all patients at the affiliated hospital and the ratio of patients which were introduced by the other hospital increased. The number of patients treated with OA in late period group was twice as much as that in prior period group. Furthermore, the number of patients that shifted from nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy to OA therapy in late period group was three times as much as that in prior period group. In conclusion, it is considered that application of national health insurance to OA therapy reduced the economic burden and improved the environment for the treatment of SAS., 今回我々は, 2001年から2006年の間に長野赤十字病院口腔外科を受診したいびきまたは睡眠時無呼吸症候群 (Sleep Apnea Syndrome : SAS)患者の臨床統計学的調査を行った。対象は314例 (男性245例, 女性69例) で平均年齢は49歳であった。これらを口腔内装置 (oral appliance ; OA) の治療が保険適応された2004年4月前後で2グループに分け比較を行った。01-03年度は159例 (男性124例,女性35例) で平均年齢は50歳, 04-06年度の患者数は155例 (男性121例, 女性34例) で平均年齢は48歳であった。患者数, 男女比, 平均年齢で差は認めなかった。OA治療を行った症例は保険導入後にほぼ倍増し, 全例に睡眠ポリグラフ検査が施行されていた。更に経鼻的持続陽圧呼吸療法 (continuous positive airway pressure :CPAP) からOA治療への移行依頼症例は約3倍に増加していた。OA治療の保険適応によりSAS患者特に軽症患者の経済的負担が軽減され, より治療を受けやすい環境になったと考えられる。}, pages = {37--41}, title = {長野赤十字病院口腔外科におけるいびき・睡眠時無呼吸症候群患者の臨床統計的検討}, volume = {37}, year = {2007} }