@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025534, author = {田中, 賢 and 星名, 秀行 and 長島, 克弘 and 永田, 昌毅 and 藤田, 一 and 高木, 律男}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {ドセタキセル(TXT)を用いた温熱化学療法の抗腫瘍効果および頸部リンパ節転移抑制効果について検討した。 実験材料および方法:頬粘膜癌転移モデル(O-1N, 扁平上皮癌)を用い,温熱群,化学(TXT)群,温熱化学群,無処置群の4群を設定した。加温はRF誘電型加温装置を用い,頬粘膜腫瘍に対し43℃,40分加温を3日間隔で2回施行した。TXTは10mg/kgを各加温直前に腹腔内投与した。実験後腫瘍の大きさを計測し,21日,28日に原発巣および頸部リンパ節を摘出,病理組織学的に検討し,転移リンパ節における腫瘍進展度を分類した。, The antitumor effect of thermochemotherapy using docetaxel (TXT) on hamster oral squamous cell carcinomas (O-1N) were studied in their primary sites and in their cervical lymph nodes metastases. Materials and Methods : Hamster in which O-1N (squamous cell carcinoma) was transplanted into the cheek pouch were divided into 4 group: a hyperthermia group (HG) subjected to radiofrequency (RF) hyperthermia at 43℃ for 40 minutes twice a week, a chemotherapy group (CG) in which the TXT was administered twice a week (10mg/kg i.p.), a thermochemotherapy group (TCG) in which TXT was given immediately before hyperthermia, and an untreated group (UG). The tumor volume was calculated, primary tumor and cervical lymph nodes were excised three and four weeks after treatment, respectively, and were examined histologically.}, pages = {9--16}, title = {ハムスター頬粘膜癌に対する温熱化学(TXT)療法の抗腫瘍効果}, volume = {37}, year = {2007} }