@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025533, author = {Al-Gunaid, Talat and 山田, 一尋 and 八巻, 正樹 and 齋藤, 功}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {The aim of this study was to describe the dentofacial pattern of the Yemeni ethnic group, and to compare it with cephalometric standards of Japanese adults. Lateral cephalograms of 50 Yemeni men, normal occlusion, mean age 23.1 years, were analyzed. Student t-test was used to compare their means and SDs with standard values of similar Japanese adults. Significant racial differences were found. The anterior cranial base was significantly longer anteroposteriorly in the Yemeni subjects (YEM)than in the Japanese values (JPN). The maxilla and chin were significantly more protruded in YEM. Lower anterior face height was significantly greater in YEM, although the mandibular plane angle was significantly smaller in YEM. Maxillary and mandibular lengths were significantly greater in YEM than in JPN, the gonial angle was significantly smaller in YEM. Point B was significantly more posterior in relation to point A (Wits analysis) in YEM, and their upper incisors were significantly less proclined. This study reveals significant racial differences in cephalometric measurements, supporting the idea that a single set of standards is not applicable to all racial groups, and suggesting that such racial differences must be taken into account during diagnosis and treatment planning., この研究の目的は,イエメン人成人と日本人成人との顎顔面形態について比較検討することである。正常校合を有するイエメン人男性50名(平均年齢23.1歳)を対象とし,対象者の顎顔面形態について側面セファログラムを用いて分析を行った。Student's t-testにより日本人成人の平均値との差の検定を行った結果,有意な差を認めた。イエメン人では,日本人と比較し前頭蓋底距離が有意に長く,上顎とオトガイも有意に突出していた。また,イエメン人では下顎下縁平面角は有意に小さかったが,下顔面高は有意に長かった。上顎骨長,下顎骨長はイエメン人で有意に長かったが,下顎角はイエメン人が有意に小さかった。さらに,イエメン人ではWits分析でB点はA点に対して有意に後方に位置し,上顎前歯の昏倒傾斜の程度は小さかった。これらのセファロ分析の結果から,イエメン人・日本人間の顎顔面形態には人種的な相違が認められ,矯正診断・治療方針の立案を行う際には平均値を画一的に応用するのではなく人種間の差を考慮する必要があることが示唆された。}, pages = {1--8}, title = {セファログラム分析によるイエメン人成人正常咬合者と日本人成人正常咬合者との顎顔面形態の比較}, volume = {37}, year = {2007} }