@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002552, author = {Goda, Masaki}, issue = {3}, journal = {Progress of theoretical physics, Progress of theoretical physics}, month = {Sep}, note = {Problem of localization of eigenstates is examined for one-dimensional infinite disordered systems with off-diagonal randomness. For this purpose Matsuda and Ishii's theory, based on Furstenberg's convergent theorem on products of random matrices, is generalized by intoducing “irreducible sequences” S(i) and “irreducible transfer matrices” Q*(i) as useful mathematical tools. A Furstenberg-type theorem is established for the product of matrices associated with a Markov-chain. This theorem leads to some conclusions about the localization of eigenstates, which are very similar, except for some minor differences, to those obtained by Matsuda and Ishii for systems with diagonal-randomness only.}, pages = {608--619}, title = {Localization of Eigenstates in One-Dimensional Infinite Disordered Systems with Off-Diagonal Randomness}, volume = {62}, year = {1979} }