@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025478, author = {伴在, 裕美 and 清水, 武 and 五島, 秀樹 and 川原, 理絵 and 櫻井, 健人 and 上杉, 崇史 and 飯田, 昌樹 and 野池, 淳一 and 横林, 敏夫}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {今回,2000年月から2007年12月までの最近8年間に長野赤十字病院口腔外科を受診した7歳未満の小児顎顔面口腔外傷患者636例について臨床統計的観察を行った。その結果,性別では,男児:女児は約1.4:1で男児が多かった。年齢別では,1歳児が178例(28.0%)で最も多かった。月別では,5月が68例(10.7%)で最も多かった。曜日別は,日曜日が106例(16.7%)で最も多かった。受傷時刻を3時間ごとに分類したところ,15時から18時の時間帯が156例(24.5%)で最も多かった。来院経路では,550例(86.5%)が直接来院であった。受傷後当日中に当科来院した患者は466例(73.3%)であった。受傷原因では,転倒が375例(60.0%)で最も多かった。症型別では,軟組織損傷単独が438例(68.9%)で最も多く,その部位別内訳は,上唇小帯が122例(24.4%)で最も多かった。処置法を症型別にみると,軟組織単独損傷では縫合が116例(26.5%)であった。歯牙損傷で歯の整復固定を行ったものは36例(22.0%)であった。顎骨骨折では,囲繞結紮が3例,観血的整復固定が5例,非観血的整復固定が5例であった。全身麻酔下に治療したものは14例であった。入院下での治療を必要としたものは21例であった。, We performed clinico-statistical study on 636 child patients under 7 years old with oral and maxillofacial injuries in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagano Red Cross Hospital from January 2000 to December 2007. The results were as follows. The ratio of boys to girls was 1.4 : 1. By age distribution, 1-year-olds showed the highest incident of injuries 178 (28.0%), and the 2-year-olds was next(128 cases, 20.1%). The frequency of traumas was higher in May (68 cases, 10.7%), and lower in December and January . The frequency of traumas was higher on Sunday (106 cases, 16.7%). The time of injury distribution showed peaks from 15:00 to 18:00 (156 cases, 24.5%). Most of the consultations were direct visit (550 cases, 86.5%). Most patients consulted our department in a day (466 cases, 73.3%), and 579 patients (91.0%) were consulted in two days. The most common cause of oral and maxillofacial injuries were fall (375 cases, 60%). The most common site of oral and maxillofacial injuries was their soft tissue (438 cases, 68.9%), especially injuries of frenulum of the upper lip (122 cases, 24.4%). The most of soft tissue injuries were sutured (116 cases, 26.5%). The most common treatments of teeth injuries were fixations (36 cases, 22.0%). The most common treatments of the jawbone fracture were fixations; surround ligations were 3 patients, fixations viewing blood were 5 patients, and fixations without viewing blood were 5 patients. 14 patients were treated under general anesthesia. 21 patients needed the treatments while hospitalized.}, pages = {41--47}, title = {小児(7歳未満)の顎顔面口腔外傷患者の臨床統計的観察}, volume = {39}, year = {2009} }