@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025477, author = {小野, 和宏 and 八木, 稔 and 大内, 章嗣 and 魚島, 勝美 and 林, 孝文 and 齋藤, 功 and 興地, 隆史 and 前田, 健康 and 山田, 好秋}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {新潟大学歯学部歯学科では,2000年度より新教育課程を開始した。新課程は,認知,精神運動,情意3領域の教育を密接に連関させることにより学生の知的好奇心を喚起させ,教育目標とする人材育成を効果的に達成しようとするもので,その方策として問題発見解決型学習を展開している。今回,この課程で学んだ2006年度卒業生を対象としてカリキュラム評価を実施した。卒業後1年が経過した臨床研修修了時に記名式調査用紙を郵送し,カリキュラム・授業に対する満足度について質問した。また,カリキュラムの教育効果に関して,教育目標とする人材への到達度および学習成果の達成度について自己評価を依頼した。なお,新潟大学医歯学総合病院において臨床研修を受けた卒業生に対して,指導歯科医師による教員評価を行い,卒業生の自己評価の信頼性についても検討した。対象者40名中24名,60.0%から調査用紙の返送があり,以下の結果を得た。1.カリキュラムに対する学習者の満足度は良好であった。2.全般に教育目標への到達度は良好で,卒業生は人間性豊かな人材,問題発見解決型人材へ成長していた。3.卒業生は科学的根拠に基づいた歯科医療を実践する力,問題を発見し解決する力,意思決定し自己責任を負う態度の育成がなされていた。以上から,新課程は一定の教育効果をもち,その目的はある程度,達成されていると考えられた。, We have run a new dental curriculum at the Niigata University Faculty of Dentistry since April 2000.The aim of this new curriculum was to create mature dentists effectively through the activation of knowledge curiosity by correlation of three domains, cognitive, psychomotor and affective. We have adopted problem discovering/solving type learning for this purpose. In this investigation, we evaluated this curriculum. Subjects comprised graduates who had studied based upon this new curriculum all the way through for the first time, and graduated in March 2006. We carried out the survey by sending several questionnaires to them one year after graduation when they finished their residency program. We asked them regarding their appreciation of the new curriculum and programs along with their self-assessment of their personal maturation as dentists and learning effects. Reliability of the self-assessments was also investigated in comparison with the evaluation by the instructors during the residency program at the Niigata University Hospital. The survey was collected from 24 graduates out of 40 (60.0%). The results were as follows: 1. Satisfaction rate of the curriculum was good. 2. Accomplishment of designated aims was generally well and their personal maturation along with their problem discovering / solving abilities was achieved. 3. The graduates developed their ability of evidence based dentistry, problem discovering / solving and responsibility for their decisions. Taking the above results into consideration, we concluded that our new curriculum is effective to some extent and the revision has been successful.}, pages = {29--40}, title = {新潟大学歯学部歯学科の新教育課程とその評価}, volume = {39}, year = {2009} }