@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025442, author = {へモーディ, ヤシン and 山田, 一尋 and 朝日, 藤寿 and 小野, 和宏 and 齊藤, 力 and 高木, 律男 and 齋藤, 功}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of early and late bone grafts in patients with Cleftlip and alveolus only, consequently excluding the influence of palatal closure on craniofacial growth. Subjects and Methods: The subjects were chosen from the records of the Orthodontic Clinic, Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital. 30 patients with unilateral cleft lip and alveolus only (without cleft palate) were chosen and divided into 2 groups based on the following selection criteria: Early bone grafting (EBG) at a mean age of 8 years and 3 months. Late bone grafting (LBG) at a mean age of 13 years and 7 months. The majority had orthodontic treatment during the mixed dentition. Lateral cephalograms were traced, and then 22 angular and 27linear measurements were analyzed. Results: Mann-Whitney test showed that all angular measurements were not significantly different between the 8and the 14 years old subjects in the EBG and LBG groups. The difference in the value of A'-PNS between 14 and 8 years showed a significant difference when the groups were compared. Conclusion: The present study showed decrease in anteroposterior maxillary growth in the EBG group. Apossible reason for our finding might be the inhibition of maxillary growth that caused bone grafting operation and the short evaluation period (around 1 year) in the LBG group, while it was longer for the EBG group. Grafted bone is possibly allowed to undergo resorption during remodeling or displacement of the new bone with longer time. As a result, the decrease in the maxillary anteroposterior length exhibited by the distance from A'- PNS was recognized in the EBG group., 目的:本研究の目的は片側性唇顎裂患者において二次的顎裂部骨移植の時期の違いが顎顔面形態に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることである。対象:新潟大学医歯学病院矯正歯科診療室において管理されている片側性唇顎裂患者のうち,早期二次的顎裂部骨移植を施行した17 名(骨移植施行平均年齢8歳3か月,以下早期群と略す),晩期二次的骨移植群骨移植を施行した13 名(平均年齢13 歳7か月,以下晩期群と略す)の計30 名を対象とした。これらの8歳時ならびに14 歳時の側面頭部X 線規格写真をトレースし,22 項目の角度計測ならびに27 項目の距離計測を行ない,両群の8歳時ならびに14 歳時の値,および8歳時から14 歳時の変化について両群間で比較した。結果:8歳時ならびに14 歳時両時期において,角度計測項目ならびに距離計測項目のすべての計測項目について両群間で有意差は認められなかった。しかしながら,8歳から14 歳の変化量に関し距離計測項目のうちA'-PNS において,両群間で有意差を認めた。結論:本研究では上顎骨の前後的な長さに関してその変化量に差を認めた。その理由として1.骨移植術施行時の外科的侵襲による成長抑制,2.晩期群では骨移植後移植骨の置換が完了せず,移植骨の吸収も少ない反面,早期群では骨移植後5年前後経過しており移植骨の置換がおこなわれ,A 点付近の骨吸収が生じること,から,上顎骨の前後的な長さに差が生じたと考えられた。}, pages = {19--28}, title = {The effects of timing of secondary alveolar bone graft on craniofacial morphology in patients with unilateral cleft lip and alveolus.}, volume = {40}, year = {2010} }