@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025427, author = {竹内, 優美子 and 松山, 順子 and 川﨑, 勝盛 and 三富, 智恵 and 佐野, 富子 and 田口, 洋}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {食物摂取時の一口量は,幼児では一口ごとのばらつきが大きく一定していないものの,11歳頃には成人と同程度に一口量が一定すると報告されている。一口量が一定してくる11歳頃までは,乳歯から永久歯への歯の交換期に相当するが,特に,食物の取り込みに関連している前歯部の交換が一口量に及ぼす影響はきわめて興味深い。そこで,本研究では上顎永久中切歯萌出前後における一口量の変化を分析した。上顎永久中切歯萌出期の個性正常咬合を有する8名(男児3名,女児5名)を被験児とし,上顎永久中切歯萌出前および萌出完了後の一口量の変化を分析した。パン,ソーセージ,りんごを被験食品とした。萌出前の年齢は平均6歳6か月,萌出完了後の年齢は平均7歳3か月で,平均一口量は,すべての被験食品において,萌出前と完了後で差が認められなかった。一方,一口量のばらつきは,りんごでは,上顎永久中切歯萌出前に比較して,萌出完了後でばらつきが小さくなったのに対して,パン,ソーセージでは萌出前後において,ばらつきに差が認められなかった。以上のことから,小児の成長過程におこる前歯部の乳歯から永久歯列への交換が一口量に及ぼす影響は少ないことが示唆された。, It is well known that children take different-sized bites as they eat, depending partly on the food, while adults take uniformed-sized bites. It has been reported that the bite size variability of children decreases with age, with bite size becoming as uniform as that of adults at the age of nearly 11 years. At around 7 years of age, the upper primary central incisors are replaced with their successors. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of tooth replacement on bite size of foods. Three boys and five girls with functionally normal occlusion participated in this study. The experiments were performed twice for the same subjects at the following stages. In the first stage, both upper primary central incisors of the participants (mean age, 6.5 years; range, 5.9-7.4 years) were exfoliated, but the successors had not erupted yet. In the second stage, the permanent central incisors had fully erupted (mean age, 7.3 years; range, 6.3-7.9 years). The test foods were bread, fish sausage and peeled apple. Each participant was provided with the same portions (by weight) of the test foods. In all the test foods, the average bite size did not differ significantly before and after the eruption of the upper central incisors (Wilcoxon signed-rank test). The coefficient variation in the bite size of the apple after eruption of the upper central incisors was significantly smaller than that before eruption. On the other hand, the fluctuations in bite size in bread and sausage did not differ significantly between the two stages. The findings of the present study suggest that there is little influence on bite size by the replacement of upper central incisors from primary to permanent dentition.}, pages = {125--130}, title = {小児の前歯部交換期における一口量に関する研究}, volume = {40}, year = {2010} }