@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025422, author = {新美, 奏恵 and 芳澤, 享子 and 新垣, 晋 and 小田, 陽平 and 船山, 昭典 and 三上, 俊彦 and 金丸, 祥平 and 泉, 直也 and 齊藤, 力}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {本邦での頬粘膜癌の発生頻度は比較的まれで,口腔がんのなかで約10%程度とされており,その治療法や治療成績などに関する報告は少ない。今回新潟大学医歯学総合病院口腔再建外科で治療を行った頬粘膜扁平上皮癌1次症例の治療結果と予後を報告する。対象は1995年1月から2008年12月に当科を初診した未治療口腔がん症例のうち,頬粘膜扁平上皮癌1次症例28例(男性13名,女性15名)である。そのうち24例で外科療法単独あるいは放射線療法,化学療法を併用した根治療法を行っていた。24名の初診時臨床病期分類はStage Iは10例(41.7%),Stage IIは8例(33.3%),Stage IIIは1例(4.2%),Stage IV A は5例(32.1%)であった。T 分類別5年累積生存率はT1 + T2(n=20)は85.6%,T4a(n=4)が62.5% であったが,両群間に有意差は認められなかった(P=0.23)。根治療法を行った24 名の5年累積生存率は79.1%であった。再発と頸部リンパ節後発転移は合わせて9例に認められた。頸部リンパ節後発転移を認めた症例のうち,2例は制御不能であり,これは術後3か月と5か月に転移を認めた症例であった。一方で術後24カ月以上経過したのちに再発や転移を認めた症例は制御可能であった。このことから頬粘膜癌では術後早期からの慎重な経過観察が重要と考えられた。, As squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa is relatively uncommon, accounting for less than 10% of oral cancers in Japan, there are few reports on optimal treatments and outcome for this cancer. The aim of this study was to report the treatment result and prognosis of patients with carcinoma of buccal mucosa who had treated definitively at our department. Twenty-eight patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the buccal mucosa who had treated between January 1995 and December 2008 included and retrospectively analyzed. The patients consisted of 13 men and 15 women, and 24 out of the 28 patients were treated definitively by surgery with or without radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Clinical stages of the 24 patients were 10 in stage I (41.7%), 8 in stage II (33.3%), 1 in stage III(4.2 %), and 5 in stage IV A (32.1 %). The 5-year cumulative survival rate of T1, T2 (n=20) and T4a (n=4) were 85.6% and 62.5% , respectively, although there was no statistically significance between these two groups (p=0.23). The 5-year cumulative survival rate for the whole patients was 79.1% . Local recurrence and subsequent cervical lymph node metastasis were detected in 9 patients. There were two patients that failed to control the neck diseases after salvage neck surgery; these appeared at 5 months and 3 months, respectively, after the initial treatment. On the other hand, the patients who had subsequent cervical lymph node metastasis developed over 24 months after initial surgery, had local control and still alive. From these results, the closed follow-up especially in early period after initial treatment is needed to obtain locoregional control in patients with buccal carcinoma.}, pages = {31--37}, title = {頬粘膜扁平上皮癌の臨床的検討}, volume = {41}, year = {2011} }