@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025401, author = {長谷部, 大地 and 櫻井, 健人 and 清水, 武 and 五島, 秀樹 and 野池, 淳一 and 柴田, 哲伸 and 植松, 美由紀 and 細尾, 麻衣 and 横林, 敏夫}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {今回,長野赤十字病院口腔外科において開設以来27 年3か月間に経験した唾石症について臨床統計的検討を行ったので,その概要を報告する。対象は1983 年10 月より2010 年12 月までに経験した唾石症390 例で,平均年齢44 歳で,年代別では40 歳代,60 歳代が多く,中高年層が多く占めた。性別は男性209 例,女性181 例であった。当科への受診経路は直接来院が147 例と最も多く,次いで歯科開業医からの紹介125 例,他科からの紹介94 例であった。唾石の存在部位は顎下腺が377 例と最も多く,その内訳は導管内121 例,開口部118 例,移行部62 例,腺体内50 例であった。その他の部位では耳下腺10 例,小唾液腺3例であった。初診時の主訴は腺体部の腫脹・疼痛が148 例と最も多く,続いて口底部の腫脹・疼痛が85 例であり,自覚症状がなかったものが41 例であった。病悩期間は1か月未満が178 例で最も多く,5年以上経過している症例は42 例もあった。処置方法は,口腔内からの摘出192 例,経過観察95 例,腺体摘出55 例の順であった。唾石の個数は1個の症例が292 例と最も多かった。唾石の大きさは,ほとんどの症例が10mm 未満であった。, We present the results of a clinical study on 390 cases of sialolithiasis treated in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagano Red Cross Hospital during a period of 27 years and 3 months from October 1983 to December 2010. The 390 sialolithiasis patients included 209 males and 181 females. The average age of the patients was 44 years and most of them were middle-age. Of the 390 patients, 147 patients visited our hospital directly, 125 patients were referred from dental clinics, and 94 patients were referred from medical clinics. There were 377 patients with salivary calculi in the submandibular gland, including 121 patients with intraductal calculi, 118 patients with calculi in the aperture of the salivary duct, 62 patients with calculi in the gland and transitional portion, and 50 patients with intraglandular calculi. There were also 10 patients with calculi in the parotid gland and 3 patients with calculi in the minor salivary gland. The most frequent initial chief complaint was swelling and pain in the salivary gland (148 patients), and the next most frequent was swelling and pain in the oral floor (85 patients). There were 41 patients with no symptoms. One hundred and seventy-eight patients visited our department within one month from initial symptoms, while 42 patients had symptoms for more than five years. Calculi were removed through the intraoral approach in 192 patients and by sialoadenectomy in 55 patients. Ninety-five patients were followed up without removal of calculi. The majority of patients (292 patients) had only one calculus, and most of the calculi were less than 10 mm in diameter.}, pages = {13--20}, title = {長野赤十字病院口腔外科開設後27年3か月間における唾石症の臨床統計的検討}, volume = {42}, year = {2012} }