@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025394, author = {山崎, 麻衣子 and 照光, 真 and 田中, 裕 and 弦巻, 立 and 倉田, 行伸 and 金丸, 博子 and 吉川, 博之 and 小玉, 由記 and 瀬尾, 憲司}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {(目的)新潟大学医歯学総合病院歯科麻酔科診療室における平成2年度と平成23 年の患者内訳と診療詳細を比較・分析し,今後の当科の診療のあり方について検討を行った。(方法)平成23 年1月から12 月末までに新潟大学医歯学総合病院歯科麻酔科診療室を初診した患者の患者数や主訴などについて歯科麻酔科診療室の患者台帳と診療記録をもとに調査し,さらに平成2年から現在までの患者数に関しては医事課作成の外来患者数の資料をもとに調査し,検討を行った。(結果)平成23 年の新患数は247 人(平成2年の約2倍)であり,のべ診療数は2617 回(5.4 倍)にまで増加した。この中で歯科治療の全身管理を依頼して受診した患者は138 名と最も多く全体の54%を,次いで痛み疾患と知覚障害を訴えて来院した患者は87 名であり35%を占めていた。(結論)精神鎮静法を希望する患者および,他院では診断されなかったまたは治療されない不定愁訴を含む神経障害などを訴えて受診する患者が増加していた。高齢化社会と有病者の増加傾向を背景に,これらの充実化が当診療科へ求められていることであると考えられる。, [Background] Over 20 years have passed since the division of dental anesthesia at Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital was established in 1990. Because dental and medical sciences have progressed during this period, we need to determine the current outward patients' features and our treatment of these patients. [Methods] A retrospective analysis was performed concerning the number and chief complaints of newly admitted outward patients to our clinic in 2011, and the actual medical services performed at this clinic. This information was obtained by referring to the registration records of the clinic and the medical records of the hospital's medical affairs division. These data were compared with the data of 1990 when the clinic was established. [Results] The number of newly admitted patients was 247, which was approximately two times that of 1991. In contrast, the number of times that medical services were performed in 2011 was 2617, and this was almost five times that of 1991. The number of patients who required anesthesia management by inhalation and/or intravenous sedation for dental treatment was 138, and 87 patients needed pain control. [Conclusions] Currently, aging of patients and an increasing tendency in the prevalence of morbidity reflect the increase in the number of the patients who cannot receive regular dental treatment. Moreover, complications of medical treatment are related to an increase in difficulties of nerve injury, which cannot be treated in the dental office. Our clinic was required to treat these patients, and this might be the most important role of dental care medicine in Japan.}, pages = {107--111}, title = {新潟大学医歯学総合病院歯科麻酔科診療室における平成23 年の外来患者の臨床統計的観察}, volume = {42}, year = {2012} }