@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025391, author = {近藤, 匡晴 and 伊藤, 加代子 and 辻村, 恭憲 and 堀, 一浩 and 井上, 誠}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟歯学会雑誌, 新潟歯学会雑誌}, month = {Dec}, note = {【目的】居宅療養管理指導では,口腔内の衛生管理と口腔機能の評価が義務付けられている。今回,居宅療養管理指導の実施が対象者にもたらした効果について検討した。【対象と方法】S 市在住で訪問診療の希望があった20 名(82.2±8.0 歳)を対象とした。訪問歯科診療および居宅療養管理指導を継続し,初診時と3か月後の要介護度,摂食機能評価(栄養摂取状況,経口摂取状態,洗口能力,舌運動,頬運動,口輪筋運動,咀嚼運動,嚥下運動,義歯使用状況),口腔清掃状況の各項目を比較し,それぞれ4段階で評価した。また,改善度について 3段階で評価した。【結果】往診依頼内容は歯科治療8例,義歯治療7例,口腔ケア・摂食機能療法5例で,義歯治療依頼における要介護度が有意に低かった。摂食機能に関わる各項目を介入前後で比較したところ,いずれの項目についても統計学的に有意な変化は認められなかった。一方,改善度に関する解析では,いずれの項目も「変化なし」が有意に多かった。【考察】居宅療養管理指導を行うことで口腔衛生面,摂食に関わる機能の維持は可能だった。しかし,食事形態や経口摂取状況が低下したケースが認められたのは,予防的措置あるいは摂食機能以外の要因によると考えられる。本研究の結果,要介護高齢者であっても適切な歯科治療および療養管理指導を行うことで,要介護度の悪化防止と摂食機能の維持が可能なことが示唆された。, The evaluation of oral care status and feeding function are duty for home care management. This study discusses how home care management including not only visiting dental treatment but also oral and feeding function therapy performed by dentists impacts subjects at elderly care facilities and at home. The subjects were 20 patients who lived in S city and requested visiting dental treatments. Required treatments were dental treatment, denture treatment, and oral care management. The feeding functions were compared during the initial visit with those three months later. The feeding functions and the status of oral hygiene were evaluated in four levels. In addition, the improvement of the feeding functions and the status of oral care were evaluated in three levels. The numbers of patient were 8 for dental treatment, 7 for denture treatment, and 5 for oral care management. Significant differences were observed in the care levels among the 3 groups in that it was the lowest in denture treatment group. In the comparison of feeding functions before and after the interventions, no changes were noted in oral and feeding functions. This result shows that the feeding function and oral care status were maintained by home care management in the dependent elderly.}, pages = {89--96}, title = {要介護高齢者における療養管理指導に関する検討}, volume = {42}, year = {2012} }