@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024673, author = {風間, 嘉晶 and 丹羽, 正弘 and 近藤, 信一 and 高橋, 薫 and 櫻川, 信男 and 宮川, 照夫 and 新井, 弘之}, issue = {7}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {Protein C, a vitamin K-dependent serine protease zymogen, is one of serine proteases which works in the regulatory systems of blood coagulation. Activation of protein C by thrombin is markedly enhanced by the thrombomodulin in the endothelial cell. Activated protein C exerts an anticoagulant by inhibiting F. Va and F. VIIIa selectively. Protein C levels were measured by the amidolytic activity of the activated protein C against the chromogenic substrate (S-2266) in the patients with the cerebrovascular diseases, the patients with liver cirrhosis, and the patients receiving warfarin therapy. Protein C levels in the patients with cerebrovascular diseases were normal, whereas its ievels in the patients with liver cirrhosis and patients receiving warfarin therapy were significantly low, 33.2±23% and 65±21%, respectively.}, pages = {398--401}, title = {肝硬変および脳血管障害時でのprotein Cの変動}, volume = {100}, year = {1986} }