@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024040, author = {伊林, 克彦}, issue = {7}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {Aphasia, intelligence quotient(IQ), visuo-spatial cognitive function and memory were evaluated in 42 right-handed patients with localized chronic thalamic hemorrhage. The lesions were localized on the left side in 23patients and on the right side in 19patients. Aphasia was evaluated in 21 right-handed patients with putaminal hemorrhage and compared with that caused by thalamic hemorrhage. The latter seemed to be different from the aphasia caused by a cortical lesion, because of its short duration and the mild disturbance. It is suggested that the thalamus is related to language behavior, although its symptoms are not significant, enough to call it thalamic aphasia. The symptoms were very similar to those in patients with putaminal hemorrhage. Aphasia due to a lesion in the thalamus is considered to be caused by secondary cortical dysfunction due to the thalamic lesion. Neuropsychological symptoms and signs were observed mainly in the patients with lesions in the pulvinar and posterior portions of the thalamus. However, their prognoses were fairly good except for auditory function. On the other hand, it is suggested that the putamen itself does not participate in language behavior, and that, aphasia caused by putaminal hemorrhage is due to destruction of the tissue surrounding the putamen. The type of aphasia and prognosis vary with the site of the lesion and the hematoma volume. It is also suggested that the thalamus is related to language behavior in a circle of thalamus-conical language area-thalamus. Aphasia caused by putaminal or thalamic hemorrhage was observed to be different from classical cortical aphasia. However, there was no significant difference between aphasia caused by putaminal lesions and that due to thalamic lesions.}, pages = {453--469}, title = {視床および被殻出血患者における神経心理学的研究}, volume = {101}, year = {1987} }