@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024039, author = {須田, 武保}, issue = {7}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Jul}, note = {Endocrine cells in 84 cases of non-neoplastic mucosa, 122 adenomas and 211carcinomas of the colon and rectum were histochemically and immunohistochemically studied on their incidence, distribution and types. Moreover, histogenesis of endocrine cells in adenomas and carcinomas is discussed. Argyrophil-positive cells were found in 100 of 122 adenomas (82.0%), and 107 of 211 carcinomas (50.7%), both showing a higher incidence than ever reported. Most of the cells were made up of serotonin cells. Glicentin/glucagon cells and neurotensin cells were small in population. Somatostatin cells and pancreatic polypeptide cells were rare in population. Endocrine cells in adenomas and carcinomas were similar, in both the type and relative population of cells, to those of the non-neoplastic mucosa, although the population of endocrine cells in adenomas and carcinomas was influenced by differentiation of neoplastic cells and structures. These findings may suggest that endocrine cells in adenomas an. d carcinomas of the colon and rectum show similarity in cell types and population to those of the non-neoplastic mucosa, and that such endocrine cells are derived from primitive neoplastic cells with capability of multidirectional differentiation.}, pages = {443--452}, title = {非腫瘍性大腸粘膜, 大腸腺腫および大腸癌に出現する内分泌細胞に関する免疫組織学的研究}, volume = {101}, year = {1987} }