@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023719, author = {谷, 長行 and 高沢, 哲也 and 山本, 至 and 梨本, いづみ and 五十嵐, 一雅 and 笠原, 紳 and 中村, 宏志 and 宇井, 政彦 and 山田, 希子 and 津田, 晶子 and 百都, 健 and 伊藤, 正毅 and 柴田, 昭 and 黒木, 瑞雄 and 横山, 元晴 and 佐藤, 宏 and 田中, 隆一 and 金子, 兼三}, issue = {11}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {9 patients with Cushing's disease were admitted to our clinic and Hardy's operations were performed to them. 1) Of 9 patients with Cushing's disease, Diabetes Mellitus was found in 8 patients, hypertension in 5 patients, central obesity in 6 patients and moon face in 6 patients. 2) One patient (17 years-old female) did not have any characteristic findings of Cushing's disease except ammenorrhea. 3) Any endocrinological examination could not, surely differenciate Cushing's disease from other Cushing's syndromes. 4) Taking computer tomography together with adrenal scintigraphy could differenciate Cushing's disease from other Cushing's syndromes. 5) Lysine-8-Vasopressin test pretreated with single dose of dexamethasone could diagnose recurrense of Cushing's disease after Hardy's operation.}, pages = {707--717}, title = {3) ACTH産生下垂体腺腫 : クッシング病の自験例(シンポジウム ホルモン産生下垂体腺腫の臨床, 第427回新潟医学会)}, volume = {101}, year = {1987} }