@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023630, author = {里方, 美智子}, issue = {1}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Jan}, note = {In order to study the coronary reserve by dipyridamole loading, we compared the maximal flow induced by dipyridamole with the post-occlusion reactive hyperemia in the closed-chest dog. The coronary flow increased gradually by systemic administration of dipyridamole(0.5mg/kg)and reached to 97% of the peak reactive hyperemic flow at 5 minutes after the administration. Intracoronary nitroglycerin little affected the coronary flow at the time of the maximal flow. Dipyridamole loading can therefore induce a sustaining maximal flow and abnormal lesions in the large vessel or the microcirculation will be detected as the limited maximal flow following dipyridamole. In patients with cardiomyopathy (HCM) or hypertension (HT), the coronary reserve was assessed from the ratio of thallium (Tl) uptake in the two-successive administration method. The low value of the ratio was supposed to reflect a limited increase of coronary flow, i. e. , the limited coronary reserve. The ratio was lower in HCM and HT group than the control (p<0.001 and p<0.01). Patients with redistribution (subgroup A) in HCM showed a significantly lower ratio than the rest (subgroup B) (p<0.001), In group A, however, no difference in the ratio was observed between the areas with or without redistribution. The patients with cardiac hypertrophy have therefore a limited increase in coronary flow, i. e. , a limited coronary reserve. The existence of redistribution in Tl-scintigraphy is not the sole factor for the limited reserve.}, pages = {38--47}, title = {Dipyridamole 負荷による, 肥大型心筋症及び高血圧性肥大心の冠血管予備能の検討 : ^<201>Tl 2回投与法を用いて}, volume = {102}, year = {1988} }