@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023157, author = {八木, 和徳}, issue = {2}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Feb}, note = {Through review of 81 cases of severe cervical cord injury consisting of 67 cases treated operatively and 14 cases treated conservatively in the Othropedic Department of Niigata University Hospital and its affliated hospitals, the author assessed the role of early operative treatment. Operative procedures could be classified into (1) decompressive laminectomy and enlargement for spinal canal stenosis performed in 8 cases, (2) anterior spinal cord decompression combined with fusion performed in 46 cases with vertebral fractures or preexisting compression factors to spinal cord, and (3) anterior spinal fusion in 12 cases with spinal dislocations. Severe and complete paralysis at the initial examination of cervical spine injury and preexisting OPLL were apt to lead to a poor posttherapeutic outcome. In cases with complete tetraplegia with spinal injuries, recovery of cases operated within 6 hours after injuries was significantly better than that of cases operated after 6 hours, which was approximately equal to that obtained by conservative treatment. Operative treatment was superior to conservative treatment in recovery of walking ability and hand function particularly in the group with incomplete tetraplegia, especially when operated soon after injury. Superiority of operative treatment was confirmed by comparison between author's operated cases and cases treated conservatively in two foreign centers of spinal cord injury. The Author recommend early operative treatment, within 6 hours after injuries for cases with complete tetraplegia with bone lesion and within the day of admission for other types of severe cervical cord injury in order to expect a certain recovery of neural deficits.}, pages = {125--138}, title = {重度頸髄損傷81例の検討 : とくに早期手術療法の意義について}, volume = {103}, year = {1989} }