@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022881, author = {横山, 博之}, issue = {6}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Jun}, note = {It has been known that proliferation of sebaceous glands (SG) was induced by the inunction of some kinds of chemical agents on rabbit pinnas. To investigate the proliferative mechanisms, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), testosterone propionate (TS) were separately inuncted on the inner side of pinna skin once a day for four weeks. On day 1, 3, 7 and 28, biopsied skin specimens were obtained under anesthesia and used for light microscopic and electron microscopic studies. Three-dimentional figures of SG were reconstructed from serial light microscopic sections and SG volumes were calculated with use of a graphic analysis system. The mean volumes of SG increased during the time course of treatment with each agent. On day 28, the DMSO-induced hyperplastic SG were larger than the TS-induced ones. Acini of the DMSO-induced hyperplastic SG remarkably increased in number, while the TS-induced hyperplastic ones showed a much less increase of acinus number. Individual acini were significantly smaller in the DMSO-induced hyperplastic SG than in the TS-induced ones. By transmission electron microscopy, a large number of lipid droplets of similar sizes and round shapes were observed in differentiating SG cells of either DMSO- on TS-induced hyperplastic SG, where as lipid droplets of the DMSO-induced ones were varied in size and shape. In conclusion, patterns of hyperplasia of SG are quite different between different kinds of inuncted agents., 種々の物質塗布により脂腺増殖が生じる事について, 既に幾つかの報告があるが, 今回, 塗布物質の相違による脂腺増殖様式の差異を検討した. dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO)およびtestosterone propionate(TS)を1日1回, 28日間ウサギ耳介に塗布し, 1, 3, 7, 28日目に生検し, 光顕および電顕材料を採取した. 連続光顕切片を作製後, 画像解析装置により脂腺細胞の面積を測定, さらに脂腺の立体像を構築し, 体積を測定, その形態変化につき比較検討を加えた. また, 電顕的に脂腺の微細構造を検索した. DMSOとTSの何れも脂腺体積は増大したが, とくにDMSOでは脂腺体積の増大, 腺葉数の増加が著明であった. 個々の腺葉形態は, DMSOでは洋梨状, TSでは球状の傾向がある. 個々の腺葉も増大するが, その増大は脂腺細胞数と体積の増加によると考えられた. 微細構造的に, DMSO処置脂腺では, 周辺細胞は厚く, 成熟するにつれ, 大小不同, 不整な脂質滴が細胞質に徐々に出現した. TSでは, 周辺細胞は比較的偏平で, 脂質滴は類円形, 均一な大きさで, 早期より多数出現した. 塗布物質の相違により, ウサギ耳介の脂腺は異なった増殖様式を示すといえる.}, pages = {509--519}, title = {化学物質塗布によるウサギ耳介の増殖脂腺の立体構造的, 電顕的研究}, volume = {103}, year = {1989} }