@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022530, author = {天海, 憲一}, issue = {3}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {In order to examine relationship of bone mineral density (BMD) between T12-L4 vertebral spongiosa and to evaluate the threshold value of L3-BMD to cause a vertebral fracture, the author measured BMD of five vertebrae, i.e., the twelfth thoracic (T12) to the fourth lumbar vertebra (L4), by means of computed tomography with a phantom for calibration of BMD, being expressed in mg/cm3 as mineral equivalent of CaCO3. The objects of this study consisted of 85 cases, including 38 healthy persons, 20 of primary osteoporosis, 22 of secondary osteoporosis and 5 who were recumbent for ca. 4 weeks after anterior fusion of lower lumbar spines. A significant difference was disclosed in BMD between L3 and other vertebrae except L4 in healthy persons. No significant difference in BMD was found between L3 and L2 or L4 in osteoporotic objects. Positive correlation of BMD of L3 to that of other vertebrae was revealed therefore an approximate value of BMD of L3 can be calculated from that of other vertebrae, even if L3 is fractured and BMD of L3 is unmeasurable. During recumbency for ca. 4 weeks after anterior vertebral fusion, mean decrease in BMD of T12-L3 was 8.3%. Sixty four percent of women whose BMD of L3 was less than 90 mg/cm^3 had single or multiple vertebral compression fractures of T12-L5 except L3. A certain decrease of BMD of L3 after onset of vertebral fracture(s) being taken into consideration, decrease of BMD of L3 to ca. 100 mg/cm^3 seems to warn the possible occurrence of vertebral fracture.}, pages = {199--205}, title = {Computed tomographyによる第12胸椎―第4腰椎椎体海綿骨骨塩量計測の臨床的意義についての検討}, volume = {104}, year = {1990} }