@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021905, author = {竹重, 量子}, issue = {11}, journal = {新潟医学会雑誌, 新潟医学会雑誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {Involucrin and filaggrin are known to be cytologic markers for epidermal differentiation. Their expressions in the normal skin and various types of viral warts were examined using an immunoperoxidase technique. As controls seborrheic keratosis and Bowen's disease were also examined. Two different staining patterns for involucrin were observed in viral warts; verruca vulgaris, verruca plana and condyloma acuminatum showed a homogenous staining pattern, whereas bowenoid papulosis, inclusion warts and epidermodysplasia verruciformis showed a mosaic staining pattern. It was noticeable that the involucrin expression of Bowen's disease was very similar to that of bowenoid papulosis, and that seborrheic keratosis showed a very different pattern from those of viral warts. Filaggrin staining was positive in the granular cell layer and the lower part of keratinized layers in viral warts as well as in the normal epidermis, and the pattern and intensity of staining for filaggrin were the same in both. In conclusion, although filaggrin expression does not seem to be affected in viral warts, involucrin expression is changed to some distinct patterns according to the types of viral warts. The patterns seem to be related to the proliferation activities of the affected epidermis of the viral warts., ウイルス性疣贅の角化様式を明らかにするために抗involucrin抗体と抗filaggrin抗体の免疫組織化学法を行った. 正常表皮, 脂漏性角化症とポ-エン病を対照とした.Involucrinの分布は,疣贅の各型で2つパターンを示した. すなわち, 尋常性疣贅, 扁平疣贅と尖圭コンジロームの過形成表皮の細胞質内に均一に染色される所見と封入体疣贅,疣贅状表皮発育異常症とbowenoid papulosisにみられるモザイク様染色所見である.特にbowenoid papulosisのモザイク様染色はポ- エン病のそれに類似していた..また,脂漏性角化症は疣贅各型とは異なる染色性を示した.filaggrinは疣贅各型とも,正常表皮,脂漏性角化症,ボーエン病と同様の分布および染色性で,顆粒層および一部角層に出現した.以上より,involucrinとfilaggrinはいずれも角化のマーカーであるが,特にinvolucrinの発現は,ウイルス性疣贅の各病型別にみられる角化異常に応じた変化を示すと言える.その変化は表皮細胞の分化の程度と関連があると思われた.}, pages = {946--959}, title = {ウイルス性疣贅におけるinvolucrinおよびfilaggrinの免疫組織化学的局在の検討}, volume = {104}, year = {1990} }