@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001204, author = {李, 哲 and Li, Zhe}, journal = {現代社会文化研究, THE JOURNAL OF THE STUDY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE}, month = {Nov}, note = {In this study, I used a multi-attribute attitude model to determine what kind of brand information may help boost the competitiveness of Japanese sake exports to China. The results of a survey I conducted in China revealed that the top three attributes of sake brands most valued by Chinese consumers are 'history', 'raw materials', and 'craftsmanship'. The respondents were then asked to rate four different types of sake brands. The results of the study enabled us to develop a strategy to boost the competitiveness of Japanese sake brands' exports to China.}, pages = {151--162}, title = {中国向けの日本酒ブランドを築くために必要な情報の研究 : 多属性態度モデルに基づいて}, volume = {77}, year = {2023} }