@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001197, author = {種村, 文孝 and Tanemura, Fumitaka}, journal = {現代社会文化研究, THE JOURNAL OF THE STUDY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE}, month = {Nov}, note = {This paper aims to analyze the characteristics of law schools in the United Kingdom, the circumstances surrounding their students and to clarify what challenges law schools face as a training process for highly qualified professionals. In the training of legal professionals in the UK, there is a need to develop advanced knowledge, skills, and attitudes and improve the qualification process to ensure learner diversity and accessibility. Therefore, we will examine the actual situation of law schools in the UK concerning cultivating professionalism and ensuring diversity of students and learners, taking into account trends in enrollment and other factors.}, pages = {37--52}, title = {イギリスにおける法科大学院の全国的動向と入学者 : 専門職性と多様性の観点から}, volume = {77}, year = {2023} }