@phdthesis{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02001075, author = {Ikuse, Tatsuki and 幾瀨, 樹}, month = {2023-07-26, 2023-07-26}, note = {Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) causes a range of clinical manifestations, including asthma-like illness, severe respiratory disease, and acute flaccid myelitis. EV-D68 has caused worldwide outbreaks since 2014 and is now recognized as a reemerging infection in many countries. EV-D68-specific PCR assays are widely used for the diagnosis of EV-D68 infection; however, assay sensitivity is a concern because of genetic changes in recently circulated EV-D68. To address this, we summarized EV-D68 sequences from previously reported world outbreaks from 2014 through 2020 on GenBank, and found several mutations at the primer and probe binding sites of the existing EV-D68-specific PCR assays. Subsequently, we designed two novel assays corresponding to the recently reported EV-D68 sequences: an EV-D68-specific real-time and seminested PCR. In an analysis of 22 EV-D68 confirmed cases during a recent EV-D68 outbreak in Japan, the new real-time PCR had higher sensitivity than the existing assay (100% versus 45%, P<0.01) and a lower median CT value (27.8 versus 32.8, P=0.005). Sensitivity was higher for the new nonnested PCR (91%) than for the existing seminested PCR assay (50%, P<0.01). The specificity of the new real-time PCR was 100% using samples from non-EV-D68-infected cases (n=135). In conclusion, our novel assays had higher sensitivity than the existing assay and might lead to more accurate diagnosis of recently circulating EV-D68. To prepare for future EV-D68 outbreaks, EV-D68-specific assays must be continuously monitored and updated., Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2021, 59(11), e01151-21., 新大院博(医)第1128号}, school = {新潟大学, Niigata University}, title = {Development of Novel PCR Assays for Improved Detection of Enterovirus D68}, year = {} }