@phdthesis{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000865, author = {Watanabe, Hiroaki and 渡邊, 博昭}, month = {2023-03-07, 2023-03-07}, note = {Introduction : Secular changes in hip fracture incidence have been reported in the last few decades in Japan, but whether long-term bone mineral density (BMD) is also changing is unclear. This study aimed to determine whether BMD of Japanese women has changed over time. Methods : Subjects were 10,649 adult women who underwent BMD measurement in a health check-up population in Niigata, Japan, between 1995 and 2013. BMD of the distal, non-dominant forearm was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Demographic information and BMI were also obtained. Secular trends were determined by linear regression analysis. Results : BMD of subjects in their 40's decreased significantly in the age-adjusted model (P for trend=0.0162), but not in the age- and BMI-adjusted model (P for trend=0.2171). BMD of subjects in their 50's decreased marginally in the age-adjusted model (P for trend=0.0535), but not in the age- and BMI-adjusted model (P for trend=0.6601). BMDs of subjects in their 30's and 60's did not significantly change, while BMIs of subjects in their 40's-60's decreased significantly. Conclusions : A secular decrease in BMD, partly attributed to decreases in BMI, was observed in middle-aged Japanese women from 1995 to 2013. Measures to help maintain suitable BMI will be necessary to prevent a decrease in BMD among women., Fukushima journal of medical science. 2021, 67(3), 128-134., 新大院博(医)第1079号}, school = {新潟大学, Niigata University}, title = {Secular changes in bone mineral density of adult Japanese women from 1995 to 2013}, year = {} }