@article{oai:niigata-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000786, author = {金, 永 and Kim, Young}, journal = {現代社会文化研究, THE JOURNAL OF THE STUDY OF MODERN SOCIETY AND CULTURE}, month = {Nov}, note = {Information technology in Korean society, like other advanced countries, has accomplished remarkable development in a short period of time. For example, E-Government, which began in early 1995, has been introduced to many countries around the world. In particular, starting with the semiconductor industry led by Samsung Electronics, mobile communication and ultra-high speed internet network business have attracted the attention of the private sector. The National Informatization Policy is centered on the efforts of companies that strive for the relevant businesses and interests from academic circles and the people. Korea has promoted the policies with strong authority under the presidential system since 1990s. This paper discusses Korea's National Informatization Policy and Personal Information Protection Policy by classifying them into period and regime. It focuses on how Personal Information Protection Policy has been handled in the process of promoting in the promoting the National Informatization Policy. It aims to identify the historical positions between National Informatization Policy and Personal Information Protection Policy.}, pages = {55--66}, title = {韓国における情報化政策と個人情報保護法制の歴史}, volume = {75}, year = {2022} }